Harvard Injury Control Research Center
Our mission is to reduce the societal burden of injury and violence through surveillance, research, intervention, evaluation, outreach, dissemination, and training.
Standards writing and standardization remain important and underappreciated endeavors in reducing injuries
My first book was on voluntary standards (Hemenway, Industrywide Voluntary Product Standards, 1975) and their important in the US and world economies. The effects of standards on markets and the…
US remains an outlier in terms of firearm deaths compared to the other high-income countries
US firearm homicide rates were 25 times higher and overall homicide rates were 7.5 times higher than rates in the other high-income countries (2015). 92% of all women killed by…
Firearm training is not associated with safe firearm storage practices
Using data from HICRC’s 2015 national firearm survey, we found that 30% of gun owners stored at least one gun loaded and unlocked. Among gun owners who had received formal…
The National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) is a good source of data on fatal police shootings
HICRC compared the NVDRS data on fatal shootings of civilians by law enforcement officers in the United States with 5 open-source data sets (FatalEncounters.org, Mapping Police Violence, the Guardian’s ‘The…
American injury prevention pioneers discuss major accomplishments and disappointments in trying to create an injury prevention field
Thirty-six pioneers in the injury prevention field responded to questions about the major accomplishments and failures of their profession since the publication of Injury in America in 1985. Much has been accomplished. …
Only 20% of suicide attempts in gun owning households are with firearms, but 75% of their suicides are firearm suicides
This article combines six known “facts” about suicide (e.g., households with firearms are at approximately 3 times the risk of suicide as households without firearms) to reach six estimates not…
HICRC creates an injury prevention class exercise focusing on preventing firearm violence
An article describing a classroom exercise specifically designed for public health students interested in injury prevention appears in the journal Injury Prevention. The suggested exercise forces students to recognize and…
Fatal police shootings more frequent in U.S. states with high household gun ownership
U.S. states with high levels of household gun ownership have higher rates of fatal shootings of civilians by police than states with lower gun prevalence, according to a new study led by researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Northeastern University.
States with more guns have higher rates of fatal police shootings
US states with high levels of household gun ownership have higher rates of fatal shootings of civilians by police, even after adjusting for rates of violent crime, poverty, urbanization and…
4.6 million US children live in homes with a loaded and unlocked firearm
Data from the HICRC 2015 National Firearm Survey show that in 21% of gun owning households with children, at least one gun is stored loaded and unlocked. This is a…