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Seminar Archives 2002-2003

Our mission is to reduce the societal burden of injury and violence through surveillance, research, intervention, evaluation, outreach, dissemination, and training. 

Seminar Archives 2002-2003

January 10, 2002

Emily Rothman
Harvard School of Public Health
Maternal & Child Health Student

February 7, 2002

Jack Tigh Dennerlein
Department of Environmental & Occupational Health
Harvard School of Public Health

March 7, 2002

Colonel David Litts
Special Advisor to the Surgeon General for Suicide Prevention
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

April 4, 2002

Gerald McGwin, Jr., MS, PhD
Associate Director, Center for Injury Sciences
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
University of Alabama at Birmingham

May 2, 2002

Lori Freed, MD
The Children’s Hospital
Division of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine

June 13, 2002

Larry M. Gentilello, MD
Chief of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Chairman of the Trauma Prevention Committee
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma

October 24, 2002

Erica Harold, Miss America 2003

November 7, 2002

Angela Browne, PhD
Associate Director
Harvard Injury Control Research Center

Beth E. Molnar, ScD
Assistant Professor
Maternal and Child Health

Deborah Kacanek, ScD
Department of Health and Social Behavior
Erika Lichter, MA
Doctoral Candidate
Maternal and Child Health

January 9, 2003

Susan Gallagher
Senior Scientist
Education Development Center

February 6, 2003

Cathy Barber, MPH
National Violent Injury Statistics System

March 6, 2003

Tal Astrachan
Intake Coordinator
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
Beth E. Molnar, Sc.D
Assistant Professor
Maternal and Child Health

April 3, 2003

Rosalind J. Wright, MD, PhD
Instructor in Medicine
Channing Laboratory
Harvard Medical School

April 24, 2003

Raphael Ezekiel, PhD
Research Associate
Harvard Injury Control Research Center

May 22, 2003

Jeff Fagan, Ph.D
Columbia School of Public Health

October 9, 2003

Tom Stoddard, Psy D
Psychologist, Vinfen Corporation

12:20 – 1:20
Kresge, Room 502

November 13, 2003

Ralph Hingson, Sc D, MPH
Professor, Social & Behavioral Sciences Department,
and Associate Dean for Research
Boston University School of Public Health

12:20 – 1:20
Kresge, Room 502

December 4, 2003

Luis Fernando Duque, MD, MPH
Visiting Scholar
Harvard University
David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies

12:20 – 1:20
Kresge, Room 502