Interdisciplinary Concentrations
Explore interdisciplinary concentrations available to students enrolled in degree programs
Degree candidates have the option of pursuing a variety of interdisciplinary concentrations. These concentrations are non-degree programs designed to deepen students’ experience in academic or professional areas aligned with their career goals. Some concentrations are restricted to students in certain programs.
Climate Change and Planetary Health
Students in this concentration will understand the consequences of the current planetary health crisis and learn about the health inequity born out of environmental degradation.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
Students in this concentration obtain rigorous training both in traditional methods for epidemiologic studies and in mathematical modeling and other approaches to studying transmission mechanisms.
Health Communication
Students in this concentration prepare to apply rigorous, theory-based research and methods to health communication.
Humanitarian Studies
Humanitarian Studies is an interdisciplinary concentration that studies the challenges and needs of affected populations during crises like natural disasters, health emergencies or war.
Maternal and Child Health
Empowering and equipping future leaders in maternal and child health to make a lasting impact.
Nutrition and Global Health
This concentration emphasizes the relationship between nutrition and health outcomes, including infectious and noncommunicable diseases, human growth, and economic development.
Obesity Epidemiology and Prevention
Students in this concentration receive training on the theoretical, methodological, and applied knowledge and skills necessary to conduct obesity-related epidemiologic and prevention research.
Population Mental Health
The Population Mental Health concentration equips students with actionable knowledge of the epidemiology, etiology, and consequences of mental disorders in public health decision-making.
Public Health Leadership
The Public Health Leadership concentration equips students with leadership skills to lead equity-focused public health interventions.
Women, Gender, and Health
The Women, Gender, and Health (WGH) Concentration fosters collaborative learning, research, and action to advance gender equity and health justice.