Harvard Injury Control Research Center
Our mission is to reduce the societal burden of injury and violence through surveillance, research, intervention, evaluation, outreach, dissemination, and training.
Seminar Archives 2000-2001
January 6, 2000
Robert Sege, MD, PhD
New England Medical Center
February 3, 2000
Leticia Davis
Occupational Health Surveillance Program, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
March 2, 2000
Laura McCloskey, PhD
Associate Professor, Maternal and Child Health
Harvard School of Public Health
April 6, 2000
Garry Lapidus, PA-C, MPH
Connecticut Childhood Injury Prevention Center
May 4, 2000
Linda Langford, ScD
Director of Evaluation and Assessment
The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention
June 1, 2000
Nancy Isaac, ScD
Senior Scientist, Harvard Injury Control Research Center
October 5, 2000
Philip J. Cook, Ph.D.
ITT/Sanford Professor of Public Policy Studies
Duke University
November 2, 2000
Karen Lissy, MPH
Director, Program on Motor Vehicles and Public Health
Harvard Center for Risk Analysis (HSPH)
ITT/Sanford Professor of Public Policy Studies
Duke University
December 7, 2000
Barbara Barlow, MD, Director of Surgery
Harlem Hospital Center
Professor of Clinical Surgery
Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons
Director, Injury Free Coalition for Kids
January 11, 2001
Matthew Miller, MD, MPH, ScD
Associate Director
Harvard Injury Control Research Center (HSPH)
February 1, 2001
La Mar Hasbrouck, MD, MPH
Medical Epidemiologist
Division of Violence Prevention
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
March 1, 2001
Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN
Associate Dean of Research / Doctoral Program
Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene & Public
Health Center for Injury Control
April 5, 2001
Deborah Prothrow-Stith, M.D.
Director, Division of Public Health Practice
Professor, Health Policy & Management Department
May 10, 2001
Lois Fingerhut, MA
Special Assistant for Injury Epidemiology
National Center for Health Statistics
Office of Analysis, Epidemiology and Health Promotion
October 4, 2001
Jennifer Leaning, MD, MS
Professor of International Health
Harvard School of Public Health
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
November 1, 2001
Ramya Sundararaman, MD, MPH
Injury Prevention and Control Programs
Massachusetts Department of Public Health