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Harvard Injury Control Research Center

Our mission is to reduce the societal burden of injury and violence through surveillance, research, intervention, evaluation, outreach, dissemination, and training. 

Seminar Archives 2009-2010

October 20, 2009

Ellen Connorton, MSW, MPA, Sc.D candidate
Chair, Policy Committee and Strategic Planning Steering Committee
Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention

Location: Kresge, G2

November 16, 2009

Robert Lipton, PhD
Scientific Director of Emergency Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Faculty, Harvard Medical School

Location: Kresge, G2

November 16, 2009

Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPD, MEdu
Executive Director, Boston Public Health Commission

Location: Kresge, G2

 January 26, 2010

Nancy Robinson
Executive Director, Citizens for Safety MA

Location: Kresge, G2

February 23, 2010

Deb Azrael, PhD Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center &
Representatives from Project Right.

Location: Kresge, G2

March 23, 2010

David Hemenway
Director, Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center

Location: Kresge, G2

April 20, 2010

Partners will present on their role as community organizers and activists in Boston, and their experience as a part of the Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center.

Location: Kresge, G2

May 5, 2010

Khary Bridgewater, Director, Applied Evaluation Systems
Emmanuel Gospel Center: Dedicated to the Vitality of Urban Churches and Communities.

Location: FXB G13

May 11, 2010

Emily Rothman, PhD  and Renee M. Johnson, PhD
Department of Community Health Sciences at Boston University School of Public Health