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Harvard Injury Control Research Center

Our mission is to reduce the societal burden of injury and violence through surveillance, research, intervention, evaluation, outreach, dissemination, and training. 

News & Research Reports Pre – 2005

This study used data from the Massachusetts Statewide Childhood Injury Prevention Project (SCIPP) and claims data to determine the incidence of childhood injuries and their costs.

1. Guyer B, Gallagher SS. “Childhood injuries and injury prevention,” IN: Maternal and Child Health Practice, Oakland CA: Third Party Publishing Company, 1988; 505-518.
2. Guyer B, Gallagher SS, Chang BH, et al. Prevention of childhood injuries: evaluation of the Statewide Childhood Injury Prevention Program (SCIPP). American Journal of Public Health, 1989; 79:1521-7.
3. Guyer B, Lescohier I, Gallagher SS, Hausman A, Ankara CV. Intentional injuries among children and adolescents in Massachusetts. New England Journal of Medicine, 1989; 321:1584-9.
4. Guyer B, Ellers B. Childhood injuries in the United States, mortality, morbidity, and cost. American Journal of Diseases in Children, 1990; 144:649-652.
5. Malek M, Chang BH, Gallagher SS, Guyer B. The cost of medical care for injuries to children. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1991; 20:997-1005.

These papers discuss the size and scope of the injury problem, and prevention strategies.

1. Guyer B. Epidemiology of pediatric trauma. Pediatric Emergency Care, 1988; 4:69-74.
2. Lescohier I, Gallagher SS, Guyer B. Not by accident. Issues in Science and Technology, 1990; 6:35-42.

This article introduces students to the economic approach as applied to injury control.

1. Hemenway D, “Injury Prevention,” IN: Hemenway D, Prices and Choices: Microeconomic Vignettes, 3rd ed. (26 original essays). Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993; 241-48.

This article explains how government buying policies can be used to reduce injuries.

1. Hemenway D. Government procurement leverage. Journal of Public Health Policy, 1989; 10:123-25.

This study examines cost/life-year-saved estimates for life-saving interventions including injury prevention.

1. Tengs T, Pliskin J, Adams M, Siegel J, Gelb-Safran D, Weinstein M, Graham JD. A Comparison of the Cost-Effectiveness of Life-Saving Interventions. Submitted.
2. Graham JD, Richardson E. Ranking risk inequities. Risk, Health, Safety and the Environment, 1995; 6:359-372.

This article examines the use of e-codes in hospital as a source of injury information.

Buyer B, Berenhoz R, Gallagher SS. Injury surveillance using hospital discharge abstracts coded by external cause of injury (e-code). The Journal of Trauma, 1990; 30:470-473.

This study examined alcohol use patterns, attitudes and related behaviors in 1600 first-year college students in Massachusetts.

1. Wechsler H, Isaac NE. Binge drinkers at Massachusetts colleges: Prevalence, drinking style, time trends and associated problems. JAMA 1992; 267:2929-2931.
2. Wechsler H, Isaac NE, Grodstein F. Sellers DE. Continuation and initiation of alcohol use from the first to the second year of college. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1994; 55:679-684.

In collaboration with the U.S. army, this study used data from 800 army trainees to investigate risk factors for injury during basic training.

1. Bell NS, Mangione TW, Hemenway D, Amoroso PJ, Jones BH, High injury rates among female army trainees: A function of gender? Doctoral thesis, submitted for publication.
2. Bell NS, Amoroso PJ, Hemenway D, Mangione TW, Jones BH, Race and injury among army basic trainees. Doctoral thesis, submitted for publication.
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These papers make the case for increased research into weapons which are more effective for self-defense than firearms, but less lethal.

1. Hemenway D, Weil DS. Phasers on stun: the case for less lethal weapons. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1990; 9:94-98.
2. Hemenway D, Weil DS. Less lethal weapons. Op-Ed, Washington Post, May 14, 1990.

These studies analyzed data from a 1989 national survey of over 600 gun owners to examine gun storage behavior and to contrast NRA members with non-members.

1. Weil D, Hemenway D. Loaded guns in the home: An analysis of a national random survey of gun owners, JAMA, 1992; 267:3033-3037. Awarded a prize by the UCLA Injury Prevention Center for one of the best student papers of the year.
2. Weil D, Hemenway D. ‘I am the NRA’: An analysis of a national random sample of gun owners. Violence and Victims, 1993; 8:353-365.

This study used data from a 1992 survey of over 2,500 adult residents of Southern California to examine women’s attitudes towards and behaviors concerning firearms.

1. Weil DS, Hemenway D. Women and handguns. Doctoral thesis.

This study is an offshoot of the multi-institutional Hands Without Guns campaign. In collaboration with researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin, a survey was administered to over 1400 junior and senior high school students in Boston and Milwaukee to determine their attitudes behaviors regarding firearms.

1. Hemenway D, Prothrow-Stith D, Bergstein JM, Ander R, Kennedy B. Gun carrying among adolescents. Law and Contemporary Problems, 1996;
2. Bergstein JM, Hemenway D, Kennedy B, Quaday S, Ander R. Guns in young hands: A survey of urban teenagers’ attitudes and behaviors related to handgun violence. Journal of Trauma, 1996; in press.

1. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation conference on Disarming Urban Youth, Sante Fe, NM 1995.
2. Harvard School of Public Health, 7th Annual Grand Rounds, on Adolescent Gun Carrying 1996.
3. Boston Bar Association conference on Disarming Children, 1996.

These studies use the 1994 HICC national random digit dial survey of 800 gun owners and 400 non-gun owners to analyze a wide variety gun issues.

1. Hemenway D, Solnick SJ, Azrael DR. Firearm training and storage. JAMA, 1995; 273:46-50.
2. Hemenway D, Solnick SJ, Azrael DR. Firearms and community feelings of safety. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1995; 14:133-39.
3. Hemenway D, Richardson E. Characteristics of automatic or semi-automatic firearm ownership. American Journal of Public Health, in press.
4. Hemenway D, Azrael DR. Gun use in self-defense. submitted for publication.

1. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA, 1995.
2. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 1996.
3. Third International Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, Melbourne, Australia 1996.
4. New Zealand Injury Centres, Auckland and Dunedin, New Zealand 1996.
5. Northwestern University School of Law conference on Guns and Violence in America, 1996.
Additional Funding Stimulated:
6. Hemenway D (PI) Supplemental Survey of Gun Owners, National Institute of Justice, $50,000, 10/1/95-9/30/96.

This study examines national polling data over time to describe changes in American behavior and attitudes towards guns.

1. Blendon RJ, Young JT, Hemenway D. The American public and the gun control debate. JAMA, 1996; 275:1719-1722.
2. Young JT, Hemenway D, Blendon RJ, Benson JM. Poll trends on guns. Public Opinion Quarterly, in press.

This article explicates the public health approach for a rational gun policy.

1. Henigan D, Nicholson B, Hemenway D. Guns and the Constitution: The Myth of Second Amendment Protection for Firearms in America. Northampton MA:Aletheia Press, 1995. Presentations:
2. Carney Hospital, Public Health Grand Rounds 1996.

This study examined the prevalence of protocols for the identification of battered women in 69 Massachusetts emergency departments.

1. Isaac NE, Sanchez RL. Emergency department response to battered women in Massachusetts. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1994; 23(4):855-858.
2. Wright RJ, Wright RO, Isaac NE. Response to battered mothers in the pediatric emergency department: A call for an interdisciplinary approach to family violence. Pediatrics, in press.

This paper discusses the proper role for public policy in reducing battering.

1. Isaac NE, Graham JD. Battered women: scientific and policy directions. submitted

This study uses information from the Massachusetts restraining order data base to examine the characteristics of over 18,000 batterers.

1. Isaac NE, Cochran D, Brown ME, Adam SL. Men who batter: Profile from a restraining order database. Archives of Family Medicine, 1994; 3:50-54.
2. Isaac NE, Prothrow-Stith D. Violence against women. In: Wallace HM, Nelson R, Sweeney PJ, eds. Maternal and Child Health Practices. Third Party Publishing, Oakland, CA. 1994.
3. Adams SL, Isaac NE, Cochran D, Brown ME. Dating violence among adolescent batterers: A profile of restraining order defendants in Massachusetts, Domestic Violence Report, 1996; 1:1-13.

This study uses a HICC national telephone survey to provide national estimates of the incidence, prevalence and risk factors for intimate violence directed at and perpetrated by adolescent girls.

This study analyzed data from a HICC survey of five hundred students who completed a questionnaire on violence and fighting behavior.

1. Malek M, Chang B, Davis T, Prothrow-Stith D, Lowe V. Violence and weapon carrying among urban and suburban middle school students. submitted.

1. Second World Conference on Injury Control, Atlanta, GA, 1993.

This study reviews the literature on developmental factors for violence, and provides prevention strategies.

1. Prothrow-Stith D. Can physicians help curb adolescent violence? Hospital Practice, 27(6): 193-207, 1992.
2. Prothrow-Stith D, Spivak H. Homicide and violence in youth. IN: Wallace HM, Patrick K, Parcel GS, Igoe J. eds. Principles and Practices of Student Health. Third Party Publishing Company, Oakland, CA, 1992.
3. Prothrow-Stith D, Spivak H. Homicide and violence: Contemporary health problems for America’s black community. IN: Health Issues in the Black Community. Braithwaite RL, Taylor SE, eds, Jossey Bass Inc., San Francisco, CA, pp.132-143, 1992.

These papers describe the public health approach to adolescent violence prevention.

1. Spivak H, Prothrow-Stith D, Hausman A. Dying is no accident: Adolescents, violence and intentional injury. The Pediatric Clinics of North America, 1988; 35:1339-1347.
2. Prothrow-Stith D. The fight against adolescent violence: A public health approach. The Criminologist, 1989; 14:1.
3. Spivak H, Hausman A, Prothrow-Stith D. Public health and the primary prevention of adolescent violence. Violence and Victims, 1989; 4:203-212.
4. Prothrow-Stith D. The epidemic of youth violence in America: Using public health prevention strategies to prevent violence. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 1995; 6:
5. Prothrow-Stith D. Interpersonal violence prevention: A public health mandate. IN: Oxford Textbook of Public Health, 3rd edition. Oxford University Press. in press.
6. Spivak H, Prothrow-Stith D, Moore M. Comprehensive approach to violence prevention: Public health and criminal justice in partnership. IN: Crime and Community Safety. Chicago:University of Chicago Assembly, in press.
7. Prothrow-Stith D, Spivak H. Violence. IN: McAnarney ER, Kreipe RE, Orr DP, Comerci GO, eds, Textbook of Adolescent Medicine. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 1992; 113-118.
8. Isaac N, Prothrow-Stith D. Violence. IN: Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Compreshensive Perspective. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, in press

This project provides evaluations of violence prevention initiatives.

1. Hausman A, Spivak H, Prothrow-Stith D. Patterns of exposure to a community-based violence prevention project. Journal of Adolescent Health, 1992; 13:668-675.
2. Isaac NE. Domestic violence. Proceedings of the Secretary’s National Conference on Alcohol-Related Injuries; 1993 arch 23-25; Washington (D.C.).
3. DeJong W, Spiro A, Wilson-Brewer R, Vince-Whitman C, Prothrow-Stith D, Cross T. Evaluation of the violence prevention curriculum for adolescents. submitted.
4. Hausman A, Spivak H, Roper B, Prothrow-stith D. Evaluation of the Boston violence prevention project. submitted.

This project uses a new measure of income inequality to examine its relationship with injury mortality.

1. Kennedy BP, Kawachi I, Prothrow-stith D. Income distribution and mortality: Cross sectional ecological study of the Robin Hood index in the United States. British Medical Journal, 1996; 312:1004-1007.
2. Kawachi I, Kennedy BP, Lochener K, Prothrow-Stith D. Social capital, income inequality and mortality. American Journal of Public Health, 1996;
3. Kennedy BP, Kawachi I, Prothrow-Stith D. Income inequality, social capital and firarm-related violent crime. submitted.

This study examined data availability about and evidence on substance abuse and suicide among teens.

1. Deykin E. The utility of emergency room data for record linkage in the study of adolescent suicidal behavior. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 1989; 19:90-98.
2. Levy J, Deykin E. Suicidality, depression and substance abuse in adolescence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1989; 286:1817-1818.

This study uses the large longitudinal Harvard’s Nurses Health Study to analyze risk factors for suicide among these nurses.

1. Hemenway D, Solnick SJ, Colditz GA. Smoking, suicide and nurses. American Journal of Public Health, 1993; 12:359-63.

This study analyzes a 1989 national, random sample of over 800 adults who were questioned about their attitudes and behavior concerning the discipline of children.

1. Hemenway D, Solnick SJ, Carter J. Child rearing violence. Child Abuse and Neglect, 1994;18:1011-1020.
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These manuscripts discuss appropriate policies for increasing highway safety, using evidence from evaluation research.

1. Graham, John D. Auto Safety: Assessing America’s Performance. Auburn House, 1989.
2. Graham, John D. Preventing Automobile Injury : New Findings from Evaluation Research. Auburn House, 1988.
3. Graham, John D. Traffic safety: Meeting the challenge. Annual Review of Public Health, 1993; 14:515-543.

This project uses the Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) data to evaluate the effects of various automotive policies.

1. Evans W, Graham JD. An estimate of the lifesaving benefit of child restraint use legislation. Journal of Health Economics. 1990; 9:121-142.
2. Garber S, Graham JD. The effects of the new 65 mph speed limit on rural highway fatalities: A state-by-state analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1990; 22:137-149.
3. Evans W, Graham JD. Risk reduction or risk compensation? The case of mandatory seat belt laws. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1991; 4:61-73.
4. Evans W, Neville D, Graham JD. General deterrence of drinking and driving. Risk Analysis, 1991; 11:279-290.

This project analyzes the effects of various legal interventions to reduce drunk driving.

1. Hingson R, Howland J. Legal intervention to reduce drunk driving among youthful drivers. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 1988; 4:87-98.
2. Hingson R, Howland J, Levenson S. Effects of legislative reform to reduce drunken driving and alcohol-related traffic fatalities. Public Health Reports, 1988; 103:659-667.
3. Hingson R, Howland J. Effects of legal penalty changes and laws to increase drunken driving convictions on fatal traffic crashes. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1988; 4:662-677.
4. Hingson R, Hereen T, Morelock S. Effects of Maine’s .02 law on teenage drunk driving. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 1989; 5:25-36.
5. Hingson R, Howland J. Us of laws to deter drunk driving. Alcohol Health and Research World, 1990; 14:36-44.

This large project, supported in part by HICC as well as the Commonwealth Fund and other Foundations, evaluated the effects of the Six Cities Saving Lives Program, intended to reduce motor vehicle injuries.

1. Hingson R, Howland J, Schiavone T, Damiata M. The Massachusetts saving lives program: Six cities widening the focus for drunk driving to speeding, reckless driving, and failure to wear safety belts. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 1990; 18:123-132.
2. Hingson R, McGovern T, Howland J, Heeran T, Winter M, Zakocs R. Reducing alcohol-impaired driving in Massachusetts: the saving lives program. American Journal of Public Health, 1996 86:791-797.

This project examines the effects on highway safety of standards intended to reduce air pollution.

1. Crandall R, Graham JD. New fuel economy standards? The American Enterprise, 1991; 2:68-69.
2. Graham JD. The safety risks of new fuel economy legislation. Risk: Issues in Health and Safety, 1992; 3:95-126.
3. Graham JD. Saving gasoline and lives. IN Graham JD, Weiner JB, eds. Risk vs. Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment. 1995. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

This project uses FARS and other data to examine the effects economic conditions on highway safety.

1. Evans W, Graham J. Traffic fatalities and the business cycle. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 1988; 4:31-38.

This book describes the effects of liability laws on various risks, including motor vehicle safety.

1. Graham JD. Product liability and motor vehicle safety. IN: Graham JD, ed. The Liability Maze. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institute 1991; 120-190.

This study uses cost-effectiveness analysis to compare the mandated rear seat shoulder belts to an alternative policy of adding automatic belts to air bags for drivers.

1. Bell NS, Graham JD, Hemenway D. Auto safety policy: A case of resource misallocation? Doctoral thesis, submitted for publication.

This study used data from the California Division of Motor Vehicles to examine age and diagnoses of patients reported by physicians.

1. Williams C, Graham JD. Licensing the elderly driver. IN Graham JD, Wiener JB, eds. Risk vs. Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment. 1995. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1. Second World Conference on Injury Control, Atlanta, GA, 1993.

This research explores the relationship between safe behavior and insurance purchase, using HICC and other survey data. It compares seat-belt use and drinking-and-driving on the one hand with the purchase of automotive liability insurance and rental car insurance on the other.

1. Hemenway, D. Propitious selection. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1990;105:1063-9.
2. Hemenway, D. Propitious selection in insurance. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1992;5:247-51.

This study discusses the theories of “propitious selection” and “selective recruitment” as they relate to the 1992, California motor cycle helmet law.

1. Hemenway D. Nervous nellies and dangerous dans. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1993; 12:359-63.

This study, conducted in collaboration with the Massachusetts General Hospital, examined 265 hospital records from MGH’s emergency department to analyze the relationship between seat belt use and hospital bad debt.

1. Clyde AT, Hemenway D, Nagurney JT. Seat belt use, insurance status and hospital bad debt. Journal of Trauma, 1996; 41:100-104.

1. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, 1993
2. Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Boston, MA 1994.

This study uses the Massachusetts safety inspection tapes for 1986-88 to examine the quality of the motor vehicle inspection system.

1. Hemenway D. A failing grade for auto inspections–and motorists like it that way. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1989; 8:321-25.
2. Hemenway D, Solnick S. You better shop around: the market for motor vehicle inspection,. Law and Policy, 1990;12:317-29.

This study used data from the 1989 and 1990 Fatal Accident Reporting System to compare pedestrian fatalities that were and were not caused by hit-and-run drivers.

1. Solnick SJ, Hemenway D. Hit the bottle and run: the role of alcohol in hit-and-run pedestrian fatalities. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1994;55:679-684.
2. Solnick SJ, Hemenway D. The hit-and-run fatal pedestrian accident: Victims, circumstances and drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1995;27:643-49.

These papers describe the epidemiology of child pedestrian injury and strategies for prevention.

1. Malek M, Guyer B, Lescohier I. The epidemiology and prevention of child pedestrian injury. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1990; 22:301-313.
2. Pitt R, Guyer B, Hseih C, Malek M. The severity of pedestrian injuries in children: An analysis of the pedestrian injury causation study. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1990; 69:67-72.

This study examines risk factors for speeding, running red lights, drinking and driving, and being involved in crashes, using data from a 1989 survey of over 1800 Los Angeles motorists.

1. Hemenway D, Solnick SJ. Fuzzy dice, dream cars and indecent gestures: Correlates of driver behavior? Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1993; 25:161-70.

This study, carried out in collaboration with Level I trauma centers in Massachusetts, is a prospective evaluation of the impact of automobile airbag technology on driver injuries.

1. Segui-Gomez M, Lescohier I. Comparing sources of airbag information and their implications for reporting pelvic and lower extremity injuries. submitted.
1. International Conference on Pelvic and Lower Extremity Injuries, Washington D.C., 1995.

This study uses FARS and other data to provide information on high-risk drivers and potential interveners. It was funded in part by HICC and by NHTSA, whose interest is on using advertising as a way to deter drunk driving.

1. Isaac NE, Kennedy B. Graham JD. Who’s in the car? Passengers as potential interveners in alcohol involved fatal crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1995; 27:159-165
2. Kennedy BP, Isaac NE, Graham JD. The role of heavy drinking in the risk of traffic fatalities. Risk Analysis, 1996; 16:565-569.

This project uses a HICC developed methodology to determine those states doing better or worse than expected in terms of highway fatality rates.

1. Chang B. Graham J. A new method for making interstate comparisons of highway fatality rates. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1993;25(1):85-90.

This project examines fatal crash data in four states that passed laws lowering the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limits for adolescent drivers compared to four nearby control states.

Hingson R, Heeren T, Howland J, Winter M. Reduced BAC limits for young people (impact on night fatal crashes). Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 1992; 7:117.
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This study assessed patterns of drinking behaviors in aquatic settings using a national phone survey of over 3000 households.

1. Howland J, Hingson R, Heeren T, Bak S. “Alcohol Use in Aquatic Setting–U.S. 1991” MMWR, in press. Results from the survey were presented at the Secretary’s National Conference on Alcohol-Related Injuries and at the American Public Health Association meetings in November, 1992.
2. Howland J. Mangione T. Hingson R. Smith G. Bell N. Alcohol as a risk factor for drowning and other aquatic injuries. Ronald R. Watson, ed. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Review: Alcohol and Accidents, in press.
3. Howland J, Hingson R. Why are most drownings men? Sex differences in aquatic skills, exposures, activities and risk-taking behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 1996; 86:93-96.
4. Howland J. Davenport A, Hingson R. Alcohol’s contribution to recreational boating fatalities: Assessing the evidence. submitted.

These articles describe the association of poverty and fire deaths and the role of insurers in reducing fire injuries.

1. Hemenway D. Fire fatalities and poverty. Atlantic Economic Journal, 1987; 15:125.
2. Hemenway D. Private insurance as an alternative to protective regulation: the market for residential fire insurance. Policy Studies Journal, 1987; 15:415-40.

This study used data

HYVPC Associate Director Dr. Angela Browne was recently named to the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The JJAC is charged with coordinating juvenile justice and delinquency prevention efforts in the Commonwealth and with providing policy recommendations to the Governor and state legislators on juvenile justice matters.

Dr. Beth Molnar’s paper “A Multilevel Study of Neighborhoods and Parent-to-Child Physical Aggression” was chosen by the journal Child Maltreatment as its “Article of the Year.” More information on the article and the award at:

Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith, Director of Programs at the Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center, was awarded the Donald Cressy Award by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency for her “outstanding academic contributions to criminology.”

A new book on the problem of youth violence, written by Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith, HYVPC Director of Programs, and Dr. Howard Spivak, HYVPC Affiliate Faculty, is now available. Released by Wiley Publishers, “Murder Is No Accident” describes not only the problem of violence in America, but also concrete programs that have worked to reduce and prevent violence, with a special focus on the successful turnaround in the City of Boston. Order the book from Wiley Publishers or from

Fear and the Perception of Alternatives: Asking ‘Why Battered Women Don’t Leave’ Is the Wrong Question,” a chapter authored by Dr. Angela Browne, Associate Director of HICRC, was republished by McGraw Hill in the third edition of The Criminal Justice System and Women: Offenders, Prisoners, Victims, and Workers, edited by Barbara Raffel Price and Natalie J. Sokoloff. More information available at the McGraw Hill web

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