Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders (STRIPED)
Our initiative is a public health incubator, designed to cultivate novel insights and strategies for prevention. We introduce trainees to a rich array of disciplinary perspectives, methodologies, and theories and provide them with opportunities to join crosscutting collaborative teams.
For Students
Find out about practicum opportunities, research projects, dissertation awards, and the independent study course at HSPH, as well as answers to frequently asked questions about STRIPED.
Current Students
The applications are currently closed.
2022 Award Winners:
Ariel Beccia: “Structural stigma and eating disorders in LGBTQ+ youth populations: Examining early life-course and intersectional effects”
Kelsey Kinderknecht: “A qualitative study to explore emotions, judgements, and internalized stigma related to feeding young children among parents and caregivers”
2021 Award Winner:
Amanda Raffoul: “Exploring diet-related content and product advertising on TikTok: A pilot study”
2020 Award Winners:
Wanxing Xu & Andrea López-Cepero: “Association Between Food Insecurity and Dysfunctional Eating Behaviors Among Puerto Rican Adults”
2019 Award Winners:
Flora Or: “Adverse Events Due to Dietary Supplements: Disparities in Severe Outcomes by Gender, Age, and Supplement Type”
2018 Award Winners:
Josiemer Mattei & Hannah Cory: “Sociocultural Weight Stigma and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Latinx Adolescents”
Kuanysh Yergaliyev: “Policy Translation to Improve Regulation of Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss and Muscle Building Sold to Youth in Massachusetts Municipalities”
2016 Award Winners:
Allegra Gordon: “Being Ourselves, Living in Diverse Bodies”
Yongjoo Kim: “Identifying Sociocontextual Influences on Eating Disorders Risk Among Adolescents in South Korea”
2015 Award Winners:
Erica Kenney: “Do Schools Unintentionally Promote Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors with Their Health Promotion Programs?”
Flora Or: “Adverse Effects in the Past Decade: Are Dietary Supplements Truly Safe Until Proven Otherwise?”
2014 Award Winners:
Emily Kroshus: “Primary and Secondary Prevention of Disordered Eating in Sports Settings: Understanding Determinants of Coach Behaviors and Developing Strategies for Change”
Allegra Gordon: “Project Body Talk: Experiences of Weight and Shape Control among Young Transgender Women”
2013 Award Winners:
Erica Kenney: “Measuring Weight-Based Discrimination in School Settings”
Emily Kroshus: “Group Processes for Risk and Prevention of Unhealthy Behaviors on College Sports Teams”
2012 Award Winners:
Bernice Raveche Garnett: “The Intersection Between Weight-Based Discrimination and Racial Discrimination: A Mixed-Methodology Study with Ethnically Diverse Youth”
Emily Kroshus: “Health and Performance Promotion as Eating Disorder Prevention? Understanding the Role of Healthy Athletic Behaviors as Protective for Disordered Eating on Female Collegiate Sports Teams”
2011 Award Winners:
Bernice Raveche Garnett: “The Intersection Between Weight-Based Discrimination and Racial Discrimination: A Mixed-Methodology Study with Ethnically Diverse Youth”
Monica L. Wang: “Risk and Protective Factors for Disordered Weight Control”
SBS 300: Independent Study in Eating Disorders Prevention: A Strategy Incubator
At the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, we offer the Spring semester independent study course SBS 300 “Independent Study in Eating Disorders Prevention: A Strategy Incubator,” which provides mentorship from STRIPED faculty to help students generate novel, transdisciplinary strategies to prevent eating disorders and the spectrum of disordered weight- and shape-control behaviors. Students work closely with Dr. Bryn Austin to develop innovative approaches for prevention that expand beyond the bounds of current thinking in the field.
Our applications for the Fall of 2024 are now closed. Please reach out to Jill Kavanaugh if you are interested in any of our projects or for more information on our Fall practicum opportunities. You can reach Jill at:
Please check back page periodically for research opportunities with STRIPED!
Each year STRIPED offers travel scholarships to support participation in the Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. We have been fortunate to have diverse groups representing STRIPED at the EDC Advocacy Day, including master’s students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, medical fellows specializing in adolescent health at Boston Children’s Hospital, and many others. Visit the EDC website for more information. Eligible applicants are trainees based at Harvard Chan School of Public Health and Adolescent Medicine fellows based at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Applications are currently closed. Please check back in early 2025.
Spring 2024 Award Winners:
STRIPED Scholarships for Spring 2024 Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) Advocacy Day:
Abigail Bulens
Chloe Gao
Ariel Beccia
Ahmed Nawwar
Prospective Students
Can I participate in more than one of the six training components, such as both the Practicum Fieldwork and Independent Study Course?
- Yes, we are thrilled when students are interested in getting involved with STRIPED through our many training opportunities!
Can students from any department at HSPH be part of STRIPED?
- Yes, we encourage students from all different departments to get involved with STRIPED.
Do I have to be a doctoral student to get involved with the research projects at STRIPED?
- No, MS2, MPH, and doctoral students have all been involved in STRIPED research projects.