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Registrar’s Office

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Registrar’s Office manages student records and enrollment, maintains student data and grades, monitors students’ compliance with degree requirements, certifies enrollment, assesses students’ tuition, and schedules courses.

Phone 617-432-1032

677 Huntington Avenue
Kresge G-4
Boston, MA 02115

Transcript & Enrollment Verification Requests

For assistance, please email

In accordance with federal law, transcripts will not be released without the consent of the student. A signed consent may be required to fulfill your transcript order.

Placing a transcript order online

  • The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health allows students and alumni to order official electronic transcripts online, 24/7 via Parchment.
  • Once your order has been placed you may track the progress of your order by entering your order number via self-service.
  • Fees are assessed for each transcript ordered. The fees will be charged once your order is completed.
  • For your convenience, a consent form will be generated along with your order. You will then be asked to complete the form via e-consent.
  • If you have a question or need assistance, you may submit an electronic request for help and service through the Self-Service portal after submitting your order.

Unofficial transcripts

Current students may access their unofficial grade report by logging into my.Harvard.

Certification & verification requests

Requests can be mailed or scanned. There is no charge for certification/verification.

Certification requests:

  • Complete the Request for Certification form found on our Forms page.
  • For alumni without access to my.harvard, please complete the PDF form.

Verification from third parties:

Can take up to ten days for processing.

A signed release form or signed release statement is required from the student. Student must provide the signed release to credentialing agency.

Notarized Documents

Notarized transcripts are issued upon request. When requesting a transcript through Parchment please indicate that you need the document to be notarized.

If you need a notarized copy of your diploma, you must schedule an appointment and bring it to the office or send your original diploma to the Registrar’s Office. We will make a copy and notarize the copy. Please enclose an insured, prepaid, private carrier envelope to have your original and notarized documents returned to you. The Registrar’s Office is not responsible for lost or damaged documents.

Information about receiving an apostille from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can be found here.  You must make separate arrangements to receive an apostille. The Harvard Chan School will not forward documents to the Office of the Secretary.

To request an appointment with one of our staff for notary services, please do so through Calendly.