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Registrar’s Office

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Registrar’s Office manages student records and enrollment, maintains student data and grades, monitors students’ compliance with degree requirements, certifies enrollment, assesses students’ tuition, and schedules courses.

Phone 617-432-1032

677 Huntington Avenue
Kresge G-4
Boston, MA 02115

Required Supporting Documents

  • A letter certifying full-time, current, paid (by affiliated institution) employment signed by an HR Officer of the affiliated institution (each term).
  • A written statement of 250 words minimum indicating the reason for proposed enrollment.
    • The course(s) must be applicable to your current occupation (each course).
  • A copy of your official transcript or diploma documenting at least a Bachelor’s degree 
  • A letter certifying full-time, current, paid (by affiliated institution) employment signed by an HR Officer of the affiliated institution (each term).
  • A copy of your official transcript or diploma documenting at least a Bachelor’s degree.

A completed TAP form* (available in your Human Resources office).

*Students are expected to compelte their TAP form and upload a copy through the my.Harvard portal under the documents section.

A letter from the Harvard Chan School Global Health & Population department certifying current, active status.

A letter from the Harvard Chan School Global Health & Population department certifying current, active status.

A letter from the institute or department certifying current, active status.

No supporting documentation required. We will verify alumni status internally.