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Registrar’s Office

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Registrar’s Office manages student records and enrollment, maintains student data and grades, monitors students’ compliance with degree requirements, certifies enrollment, assesses students’ tuition, and schedules courses.

Phone 617-432-1032

677 Huntington Avenue
Kresge G-4
Boston, MA 02115

Non-Degree Academic Year Programs

Harvard Chan School has a broad array of courses available to non-degree students. All non-degree students must abide by the policies and information below.

  • There are various affiliation statuses during the academic year. Please check here for eligibility requirements and supporting documents needed to confirm eligibility.
  • The eligibility requirements, application process, and registration process vary from those in the summer non-degree process.
  • Visiting scientists and visiting graduate students are NOT eligible to enroll during the academic year.
  • Review our policies, including transfer of credits, requirements, and prerequisites on the School’s course catalog in my.harvard.
  • Participants in these programs do not qualify for F-1 student or J-1 student sponsorship from Harvard University.  Harvard Affiliates; Lown Scholars; and other Special Fellows may qualify for Harvard J-1 Exchange Visitor sponsorship based on academic appointments made by their departments/programs.  Please speak with your department administrator regarding any questions about this.

Application process

  • The application and enrollment deadlines are in quick succession. All materials are required to be submitted on time. There are no exceptions to this rule. If a student misses an application deadline, they are ineligible to take courses during that term of enrollment.
  • Application deadlines can be viewed on the Academic Calendar. Ensure all application materials are submitted on time.
  • Non-degree students must submit an application and certain documents each semester they wish to enroll.
  • Once the application form is completed via the links below, students will receive an email with the next steps within 2-3 business days.


  • Applicant Registration Portal is for applicants with a Harvard-affiliated email (e.g., Harvard Affiliates,  employees, some alumni, and Special Fellows). If application link does not open, please clear cache or try a different browser.
  • Once you have submitted this application, you must submit your Required Supporting Documents through my.harvard document upload. Please ensure you review the correct supporting documents for your affiliation status.


  • The Qualtrics application is for applicants without a Harvard Affiliated email (e.g., Boston Area Public Health Professionals or some alumni).
  • Once you submit this application, you must send your supporting documentation to Please ensure you review the Required Supporting Documents and send the correct documents for your applicant category.

Enrollment process

  • Please allow 7-10 business days from when the application closes to enroll. Once your application and supporting documents are approved, you will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office with instructions for enrolling in your courses via my.harvard.
  • Search for courses using Course Search.
    • Non-degree students are not eligible to cross-register for courses outside HSPH.
  • You can find further instructions for enrolling in courses and instructor permission in the Registrar’s Office Student Knowledge Center.
  • Once instructor permission has been received, add yourself on the waitlist. This applies to all non-degree students. Once you are on the waitlist, you will have access to the Canvas course materials.
  • Once added to a waitlist, non-degree students will be enrolled after the add/drop deadline, pending available space.
    • During WinterSession, students will be enrolled after the drop deadline, pending available space.

Tuition and payment information

The per-credit tuition rate can be found on the tuition and fees site. For TAP students please review our TAP page.

  • Payment must be made by the deadline outlined in the enrollment email from the Student Guest Coordinator via the Student Account Portal. Credit cards are not allowed. Failure to pay within that one week will result in an immediate drop of the course(s), with no exceptions.
  • Third-party contracts refer to students whose educational expenses will be paid by a sponsor (defined as outside organizations, affiliated hospitals, institutions, employers, etc.), and the Third Party Contract must be submitted.


  • It is recommended that you receive your immunizations before you arrive at Harvard since many health insurance plans cover the costs of immunizations.
  • Students unable to receive immunizations before arriving on campus must arrange for immunizations in the local area.
  • If you receive your immunizations at Harvard University Health Services (HUHS), you may be billed for the cost of the immunization.
  • Questions regarding immunization compliance and the Health Services hold can be directed to HUHS directly at

Harvard photo ID card

If you are a new incoming Harvard student you will use the Harvard University’s ID Card Photo Submission Application to submit your photo which will be printed on your Harvard University ID card and included in the University’s Directory.