Registrar’s Office
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Registrar’s Office manages student records and enrollment, maintains student data and grades, monitors students’ compliance with degree requirements, certifies enrollment, assesses students’ tuition, and schedules courses.
677 Huntington Avenue
Kresge G-4
Boston, MA 02115
Academic Calendar – Past
March Graduates Doctoral Theses Due
Speaker Information Organizers
Enrollment & Petition Submission Open Date for Degree Candidates – HSPH Courses: Spring Term
HSPH courses open for enrollment for all students across the University. Also, students across the University can begin to submit petitions into HSPH courses.
Last Date to Enroll – HSPH Courses: WinterSession
Last date to submit enrollment transactions into HSPH courses for WinterSession. The last date to drop a WinterSession course is the second day of the class meeting. Drop requests should…
Withdrawal Deadline – HSPH Students: Fall 2 Term
This is the last date that an HSPH student can drop a course with special permission. Student will receive a grade of “WD” and the withdrawal will be part of…
Enrollment Open Date – HSPH Courses: WinterSession
HSPH courses open for enrollment for all students across the University at 11:00am.
Last Date to add/drop/change cross-registered courses – HSPH Students: Fall 2 Term
This is the last date that HSPH students are able to enroll in, drop without penalty, or change cross-registered courses.
Last Date to add/drop/change – HSPH Courses: Fall 2 Term
This is the last date for any student to submit enrollment transactions or change the grading basis for HSPH courses. This is also the last date that an HSPH student…