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The Spatial and Contextual Exposomics and Epidemiology Laboratory

The Spatial and Contextual Exposomics and Epidemiology Laboratory (SpaCE2 Lab) broadly focuses on the impact of location-based exposures on health.  The lab is led by Dr. Francine Laden, Dr. Jaime E Hart, and Dr. Peter James.


181 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115

Cartoon of traffic on a highway

Air Pollution and Traffic Exposures

We have a long history of exploring the adverse health effects of exposures to air pollution and traffic exposures.

Cartoon of a park in a city

Built and Natural Environments

A growing area of focus is the health effects of exposures to the built and natural environments, including greenness and walkability.

Abstract cartoon of data emerging from the earth

Other Environmental Exposures

We are working on the health effects of many other environmental factors. These include temperature, noise, ultraviolet radiation, radon, and endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Cohorts and Study Populations

Are work uses ongoing prospective cohort studies, including the Nurses’ Health Studies (NHS, NHSII, NHS3), Health Professionals’ Follow-Up Study (HPFS), and the Growing Up Today Study (GUTS)

Cartoon city map with locations

Geographic Information Systems

At the heart of most of our research is the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Cartoon hands holding cell phones with maps

Mobile Health Technology

For many of our newer studies, we are using custom-made highly secure, smartphone applications to determine where participants spend their time, and how physically active they are.