The Spatial and Contextual Exposomics and Epidemiology Laboratory
The Spatial and Contextual Exposomics and Epidemiology Laboratory (SpaCE2 Lab) broadly focuses on the impact of location-based exposures on health. The lab is led by Dr. Francine Laden, Dr. Jaime E Hart, and Dr. Peter James.
181 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115

Below we highlight some of our most recent papers.

Childhood exposures and adult risk of hypertension
Among participants in the Growing Up Today Study, we explored how environmental exposures during childhood were associated with risk of hypertension in young adulthood.

Smartphone based digital phenotyping in NHS3 and GUTS
We report on the results of a large substudy in NHS3 and GUTS where almost 2500 participants used the Beiwe phenotyping app for up to one year.

Aircraft noise and risk of hypertension in the Nurses' Health Studies
Exposures to noise from airports, especially at night, was associated with an increased risk of hypertension in the Nurses’ Health Studies (NHS/NHSII).

Multiple environmental exposures and risk of hypertension
Exposures to air pollution, noise, and lower neighborhood socioeconomic status were associations with risk of hypertension in the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHSII)

External exposome and BMI in adult women
Among almost 200,000 participants in NHS and NHSII, air pollution, noise, and neighborhood SES were associated with BMI.

Greenness exposures in midlife slow cognitive decline in later life.
Among over 120,000 women in the NHS, higher midlife exposures to greenness surrounding the home were associated with slower cognitive declines later in life.

Short-term temperatures are associated with sudden cardiac death
Using data from NHS, we observed that both warm and cold ambient temperatures are suggestively associated with risks of SCD among middle-aged and older women living across the United States

Air pollution, greenness, and temperature are associated with mortality among survivors of MI
Among over 2200 survivors of a myocardial infarction among NHS participants, air pollution, warmer summer temperatures colder winter temperatures, and lower greenness were associated with shorter live

Neighborhood SES and greenness are associated with prostate tumor histology
Histopathological inflammatory features of prostate tumors may be influenced by neighborhood.

Counties with more greenspace have lower COVID-19 incidence
In a study of all counties in the US, we found that those with higher levels of greenness had lower incidence of COVID-19, and that these associations were stronger in more densely populated counties.

Air pollution and survival among women with breast cancer
In a study of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the Nurses’ Health Study II, particulate matter (PM) was not associated with breast cancer-specific death overall

Air pollution and outcomes of in vitro fertilization among couples from a fertility clinic
Increased exposure to traffic-related pollutants was associated with higher odds of early IVF failure in a cohort of 345 undergoing infertility treatments
Lab News

SpACEE lab welcomes our newest postdoctoral fellow
Welcome to Dr. Claire Leiser!! She will be working with Dr. Jaime Hart on studies of multiple environmental exposures and chronic disease risk.

SpACEE lab welcomes our newest doctoral student
We welcome Jing Wang to the lab. She will be working with Dr. Jaime Hart on her thesis in the Department of Environmental Health.

SpACEE lab welcomes our newest postdoctoral fellow
Welcome to Dr. Boya Zhang!! She will be working on a study of exposure measurement error correction, with a focus on cognitive decline

SpACEE lab welcomes our newest doctoral students
SpACEE lab welcomes Erin Burman, working with Dr. Francine Laden and Ryan Dalforno, working with Dr. Peter James. Both will be part of the Department of Environmental Health.

2023 SpACEE lab graduates
We are so proud of Grete Wilt, Unnati Mehta, William Borchert, and Isabel Holland for completing their degrees this year. We look forward to following all of your careers!

William becomes Dr. Borchert
We are excited to announce that William successfully defended his thesis “Long- and medium-term ubiquitous environmental exposures and sudden cardiac death” on May 4th, 2023!

Unnati becomes Dr. Mehta!
We are excited to announce that Unnati successfully defended her thesis “Environmental exposures, mental health outcomes, and connections to the metabolome: An exposomics framework” on April 27th, 202

Grete becomes Dr. Wilt!
We are excited to announce Grete successfully defended her thesis on March 17th, 2023

Jaime gives a keynote in Madrid
Jaime was invited to give a lecture at the 49th Congreso PARJAP Madrid. This conference brings together professionals responsible for green infrastructure and public spaces in Spain and the world

Welcome to our newest doctoral students!
We are excited to welcome two new students! Jennifer Rooney is in the Department of Environmental Health and will work with Jaime and Hana Lee is in Epidemiology and will work with Francine.

SPACEE welcomes Cleidi back for a 2nd summer!
The lab is so happy to welcome Cleidi back as a summer intern for a second summer through the YES for CURE program. She will work on the impacts of nSES and the environment on cervical cancer risk.

Melissa becomes Dr. Fiffer!
In a lab first, Melissa successfully defended her thesis in a hybrid format! Congrats to Dr. Fiffer and we look forward to an in-person graduation ceremony later this month.

Welcome to our latest incoming postdoctoral fellows
The lab is happy to welcome two new postdoctoral fellows this spring. Dr. Yi Zheng will be working with Dr. Hui Hu, and Dr. Jie Chen will be working with Dr. Francine Laden.

Follow SPACEE alum Dr. Trang VoPham's podcast
We highly recommend watching Trang’s podcast, The Souffle for insights on life as an epidemiologist

Huichu becomes Dr. Li!
In a first, we are proud to announce that Huichu Li has successfully defended her thesis virtually!

Welcome to our latest incoming doctoral student
We are proud to announce a new doctoral student in the Population Health Sciences PhD Program, Cindy Hu, will be joining the lab. She will be working with Dr. Hart (Smithies unite!).

ISEE 2020 Virtual Conference
The lab was well represented at the ISEE 2020 Conference (held virtually). We even managed to have a “conference dinner”

Three new postdocs join the lab!
We’d like to announce three new postdocs will be joining the lab: Nicole (Nikki) DeVille, Jochem Klompmaker, and Charlotte (Charlie) Roscoe.

Hari becomes Dr. Iyer!!
The SpACEE Lab is proud to announce that Hari Iyer has successfully defended his thesis!

Welcome to our three incoming doctoral students
Three new doctoral studentswill be joining the lab! William Borchert will be working with Dr. Laden, Unnati Mehta will be working with Dr. Hart, and Grete Wilt will be working with Dr. James.
About the SpACEE Lab
The Spatial and Contextual Exposomics and Epidemiology Laboratory aims to reduce the burden of chronic disease by exploring the impact of the environment on health