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Leadership for Sustainable Reconstruction of Ukraine
What will post-war reconstruction look like in Ukraine?
Як виглядатиме повоєнна відбудова в Україні?
Цей перший онлайн-курс, присвячений сталій відбудові в післявоєнній Україні, має на меті підготувати українських професіоналів до управління відбудовою в різних секторах. Завдяки інтерактивним сесіям і спільній проектній роботі п’ятдесят учасників отримають знання та навички, необхідні для відповідальної перебудови інфраструктури, громад і систем регулювання.
Гарвардська школа громадського здоров’я (The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) пропонує безкоштовну участь у цьому курсі. Навчальний план зосереджений на витривалійій і сталійреконструкції, що розвиває громадське здоров’я, перспективні еко-рішення та енергетичнунезалежність.
Формат курсу
12-тижневий курс складається з щотижневих двогодинних онлайн-сесій та додаткових груповихобговорень та різноманітних заходів. На заняттях передбачені експертські лекції, обговорення кейсів, моделювання та робота в малих групах.
Цілі курсу
Курс знайомить українських професіоналів зі сталими практиками у відбудові країни, формуючи при цьому групу лідерів, здатну керувати програмами в майбутньому. Згідне з європейськими рамками навчання підготує учасників до проведення досліджень, лідерства, адвокації та розробки політик у сфері охорони здоров’я, адаптацій до кліматичних змін та енергетичної незалежності.
Профіль учасників
Програма, метою якої є підготовка лідерів сталого розвитку для відбудови України, призначена длякомпетентних і відданих своїй справі українських професіоналів з усіх секторів. Ми запрошуємо є як молодих спеціалістів, так і досвідчених професіоналів, здатних вплинути на майбутні проєкти та сприяти довгостроковій екологічній та економічній витривалості. Навчання відбуватиметься англійською мовою, тому учасники повинні володіти вільно англійською та українською мовами.
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What does it mean to simultaneously rebuild a country while joining the European Union, with conformance to regulations, markets, and external expectations? How should Ukraine move forward to create a blended identity of pre- and post-war realities?
While we recognize Ukraine’s existing expertise in sustainability and public health matters, the situation calls for a much wider pool of well-educated workforce. No developed country can overcome the pressing issues Ukraine faces today without support.
This inaugural online course dedicated to the sustainable reconstruction of Post-War Ukraine aims to prepare Ukrainian professionals to lead rebuilding efforts across various sectors. Through interactive sessions and collaborative project work, fifty initiative-taking Ukrainian participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to rebuild infrastructure, communities, and regulatory systems in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
In collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGB), this course, offered free of charge by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, is laser-focused on enabling resilient, sustainable reconstruction that supports public health, climate-forward solutions, and energy independence as affordable and financially successful solutions for Ukraine. The course mission is to leverage Ukrainians’ existing expertise in building, infrastructure, project development and finance, and urban planning and to transition its well-educated workforce to leadership roles to manage the reconstruction process with sustainability as an intrinsic principle. We will introduce and weigh international best practices, research, and existing sustainable city networks toward delivering authentic Ukrainian solutions appropriate to pressing needs.
The deadline to apply was August 18, 2024.
We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming response to the Leadership for Sustainable Reconstruction of Ukraine course. We received more than 200 applications, exceeding our initial expectations for a class of 50 Ukrainian professionals. We are currently exploring options to secure additional funding and resources to potentially accommodate more participants. While we may not be able to accept all the candidates at this time, we will retain contact information and reach out if we offer additional opportunities or launch a new course in the future.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment to contributing to Ukraine’s future.
Best regards,
—Prof Jack Spengler and Dr. Linda Tomasso
Questions can be directed to the course coordinator, Dr. Linda Powers Tomasso at
This effort at sustainable infrastructure education and verification began as an agreement between the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) and the Ukrainian Government in March 2022, at which time ISI established communications with the Government of Ukraine Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Office). A Memorandum of Understanding was issued governing a course projecting the need to reconstruct the country parallel with decarbonization strategies being pursued throughout Europe. The UN Damage Assessment team stated in 2023 the need for construction of 400,000 residential units and 100,000 veteran’s home units, in addition to the repatriation of Ukrainians currently living abroad due to the war. The Harvard Chan School, with its expertise in sustainable healthy cities and climate resilience, stepped in as academic partner in curriculum creation.
The ensuing course is an interdisciplinary effort including lecturers and contributions of faculty from the Harvard Chan School, and other collaborating Harvard Schools, as well as other international academic institutions and corporations.
Course Format
The 12-week course will include a weekly two-hour live online session plus a second session for group discussions and activities. Weekly interactive online sessions will combine a one-hour lecture by a subject matter expert, case studies, simulations/role plays, and small group work.
In addition to the formal lecture component of the course, participants will be assigned to “affinity groups,” or small groups with an interest in a specific shared outcome, guided by a subject expect throughout the course. Through their affinity groups, participants will work to translate their formal learning by conceptualizing solutions to an actual reconstruction challenge of interest. Affinity groups can partner with universities in Unicities or European member cities of NetZero City as practicum partners or to pilot initiatives that test reconstruction solutions in actual settings.
Course objectives and outcomes
The course is designed introduce Ukrainian professionals whose field of work positions them to contribute toward national reconstruction with the knowledge and skill base for future leadership in sustainable practices. We seek to identify strong candidates to form an initial participant cohort able to help design and lead future offerings as part of a long-term training program. Instruction will be well integrated into the European social, financial, and regulatory framework. Participants will be equipped to use insights gained for research, leadership, advocacy, and policymaking to implement solutions that serve Ukraine’s long-term public health, climate preparedness, and energy independence.
This 12-week hybrid program will begin in September 2024. Course content will differ from other reconstruction programs in that it will widen the scope of recovery themes to include a strong focus on public health (mental health and trauma informed design), resilience, and sustainability issues other programs do not cover under the same interdisciplinary approach. Throughout the course, an online community/mentorship program will be formed to support participants of future course iterations.
The inaugural course also aims to curate a participant training team for future classes as part of a comprehensive education training program for Ukrainians.
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand and contribute to essential topics related to Ukraine’s physical, societal, and administrative reconstruction needs.
- Lead interdisciplinary project teams in applying green building and climate resilience best practices.
- Develop funding proposals and navigate international financing mechanisms.
- Design and estimate costs for renewable energy projects and distributed infrastructure systems tailored to local community needs.
- Estimate climate change, health, and socioeconomic benefits of renewable energy and distributed infrastructure systems to facilitate funding efforts with local or international financial agencies.
- Incorporate post-war population health needs into design and project execution.
- Facilitate stakeholder engagement and collaborative decision-making processes.
- Evaluate sites and recommend climate adaptation strategies using tools such as Climate FMEA, InVest, and Envision.
Participants will have the knowledge and networks to lead interdisciplinary teams implementing sustainable reconstruction strategies across Ukraine. Affinity groups will continue to collaborate on initiatives that support rebuilding efforts in an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible manner through practicums and partnerships which can extend beyond the 12-week course window.
Who is this course intended for?
This course is designed for professionals of broad age and experience range who will contribute to Ukraine’s internal reconstruction process. These include specialists in infrastructure building, energy specialists (at infrastructure and building levels), architects and designers, urban planners, transportation managers and engineers, Ukrainian legislative and national-level policy makers, urban health officials (related to healthy buildings, transit, physical activity), educators (green schools and nature access), representatives from municipalities, business, academia and civil society and public authorities.
Candidates will be selected through a competitive application process. A selection committee of U.S., EU, and Ukrainian academics/professionals will evaluate applicants.
We seek a commitment from course applicants to return to Ukraine to take on leadership roles championing green design and climate resilience throughout the reconstruction process, as evidenced by a personal statement and outside recommendations.
Participant qualifications
This comprehensive program is intended for skilled and committed Ukrainian professionals from all sectors, private and public, whose background training primes them to take part in the reconstruction process. We welcome younger talents as well as more experienced professionals. The program aims to transmit sustainability leadership know-how to Ukraine’s sector specialists in various stages of career development who will support post-war Ukraine on its return path and deliver results that benefit Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Above all, we seek candidates with the potential to influence future reconstruction efforts, understanding how current decision-making will affect Ukraine’s longer-term environmental and economic sustainability.
Priority will be given to applicants who meet the following criteria:
- Ukrainian nationals currently residing in or outside of Ukraine with 4+ years of professional experience in fields related to, but not limited to, construction, engineering, architecture, project management, real estate development, energy generation, energy planning, finance, sustainability consulting, policymaking and legislation, urban planning, landscape design, public health, and public sector management.
- Interest in delivering sustainable construction or infrastructure projects incorporating green building standards, renewable energy systems, climate resilience strategies, or other relevant practices.
- Experience in a field of interest to reconstruction such as those listed above.
- An undergraduate or advanced degree (e.g., Master or Ph.D.) or professional certification (LEED AP, etc.) in a related field is preferred but not required.
- Fluency in Ukrainian and English (proficient since course will be taught in English).
The selection process of the initial cohort will include a zoom interview.
This program is NOT aimed at individuals intending to continue their careers outside of Ukraine or Ukraine’s process of reconstruction. We expect all participants to contribute their professional careers in or for post-war Ukraine.
Expectations of participants
All candidates selected for this course are expected to participate in:
- A weekly two-hour lecture sessions delivered by a subject matter expert.
- A weekly discussion led by a subject matter expert as part of an assigned “affinity group” or pod comprised of four participants of complementary expertise. Each affinity group will be responsible for developing an area of thematic concern to be carried out throughout the course, with additional meetings to be determined.
- Solution testing or practicums through partner organizations such as Unicities, NetZero City, or Cities 2030.
We understand that difficult situations reign in a country still at war. If you feel you would otherwise be a positive addition to our program, we ask you to apply nonetheless. Once we identify you and your skills as a candidate for our program, we will contact you and try to find a solution that accommodates your situation.
Example modules
- Environment and sustainability in modern Ukraine
- Overview of Sustainability in real estate development and infrastructure
- Introduction to sustainability certification standards
- Climate change vulnerability, adaptation and resilience planning
- Analysis of technologies and practices to integrate solutions to mitigate risks in climate adaptation and resilience.
- Renewable energy project design, energy storage, and community-scale distributed systems
- Ethics, values, and corruption prevention in post-war Ukraine
- Case studies on best practices for sustainable infrastructure delivered by academic, government, and professional experts, with an emphasis on citiES2030
- Fostering a culture of innovation and collaborative leadership
- Healthy buildings, homes and cities
- Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Other sustainability themes
Course Instructors
An experienced international group of Harvard Chan School faculty and lecturers will lead this course through a core curriculum of weekly lectures and additionally guiding and advising small group discussions and activities. Their education and background will deliver real-world solutions you can apply right away to improve your decision-making and leadership. The key instructional team consists of:
Professor John D. Spengler, Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and Human Habitation, Harvard Chan School, Director of the JPB Environmental Health Fellowship Program
Ulrich Suter, Head of Coordination Ukrainian Infrastructure, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure
Dr. Leonard J. Marcus, founding Director, the Program for Health Care Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at Harvard Chan School
Dr. Ramon Sanchez, former Director of the Sustainable Technologies and Health Program, Harvard Chan School, and Sustainability instructor, Harvard Extension School
Dr. Linda Powers Tomasso, Research Fellow, HSPH, and Sustainability instructor, Harvard Extension School
Dr. Agnes Vorbrodt, LEED AP, Sustainable Architect; Founder, Polish Green Building Council
Dr. Adele Houghton, FAIA, DrPH, LEED AP, instructor, Harvard Chan School
Judith Rodriguez, Senior Research Associate, Harvard Graduate School of Design and Harvard Chan School
We will also draw upon the expertise of faculty and professionals at and beyond Harvard to round out course instruction.