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What Surrounds Us Shapes Us: How Developmental Environments Shape Lifelong Health and Wellbeing

On Wednesday, March 5th, from 1-1:50 PM in FXB G12 or online, please join us for the fourth installment of our Environments for Health and Happiness Seminar Series, featuring Dr. Lindsey Burghardt of the Harvard Center on the Developing Child. Event Description: This talk will discuss how, beginning well before birth, children's development and lifelong...

Harvard Pop Center Population Research Exchange

Onur Altindag, PhD, associate professor of economics, Bentley University, and visiting scientist, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, presents “Mental health effects of having a parent with Alzheimer’s disease.” Location Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (The Pop Center)9 Bow Street, Cambridge, MA United States ZoomRegister above Organizers

Event Series GHP Thursday Brown Bag Series

Combating the Health Effects of Extreme Heat in Urban India

Watch here Join the Department of Global Health and Population for our weekly Thursday Brown Bag Series! On March 6, Amruta Nori-Sarma, PhD,will present "Combating the Health Effects of Extreme Heat in Urban India." Dr. Nori-Sarma is Assistant Professor of Environmental Health and Population Science in the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard T.H. Chan...

Innovations in immigrant mental health

Join us for a conversation with colleagues from Boston Medical Center’s Immigrant and Refugee Health Center to learn about programs and services designed for and with immigrant women. A light lunch will be served during this event. The Partnership for Community Mental Health and Immigrant Well-being is co-led by Instructor and Health and Human Rights...