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Cambridge campus

The Harvard Chan Student Government Association is excited to invite the whole Harvard Chan community to join us for one of our most cherished traditions — ✨i-Night!✨ i-Night, short for...

Happiness in Motion: The Power of Exercise

On Tuesday, February 25th, from 1-1:50 PM in Kresge 202A, all Harvard students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join us for a well-being workshop led by Student Steering Committee member Laura Torrent, MPH '26. Join this interactive workshop to reflect on your relationship with exercise and explore how it connects to happiness and well-being....

Until the End of the World: Film Screening and Q&A 

HSPH, Kresge G1, Snyder Auditorium 677 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, United States

Fish farming is the fastest growing sector of food production, described as the ‘sustainable answer for food security’. Aquaculture attracts billions in public and private investment, but as the world...