From Ground Zero Film Screening
Kresge G2, Harvard Chan School 677 Huntington Ave., Boston, MAJoin us for a screening of the film From Ground Zero. Twenty-two Palestinian filmmakers living through war capture their lives in Gaza after October 7, 2023, revealing stories beyond the headlines through short, 5-7min clips each. Using a blend of animation, documentary, and fiction, they create a powerful testament to the steadfastness of the human spirit. This...
Healing through Crafting Stories
On Wednesday, March 26th, from 1 - 1:50 PM in Kresge 202A, we invite all Harvard students, faculty, and staff to join us for a workshop exploring the role of writing in well-being, led by Student Steering Committee member Naomi Ahn, MPH '25. Embark on a brief journey to discover how the simple act of...
Specific Aims Review Session
For Center members, their collaborators, affiliates, and trainees Are you preparing for an upcoming environmental health-related submission? Have your Specific Aims page reviewed by our senior NIEHS Center faculty! In a friendly, constructive, small-group open session, a panel of Center members will offer critique and suggestions to improve your Specific Aims. Proposals are welcomed that relate to...
Health Care Leadership for Emerging Executives
VirtualJoin us for an informative webinar on the Health Care Leadership for Emerging Executives program, offered by Harvard Chan School Executive and Continuing Education. This session will be hosted by esteemed Program Directors Eric J. McNulty, MA, and Dr. Leonard J. Marcus, PhD. The health care sector, like all service industries, is facing significant challenges...
Combating the Health Effects of Extreme Heat in Urban India
Building 1 – Room 1208 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA, United States*Please note this event has been RESCHEDULED from March 6 to March 27* Watch here Join the Department of Global Health and Population for our weekly Thursday Brown Bag Series! On March 27, Amruta Nori-Sarma, PhD,will present "Combating the Health Effects of Extreme Heat in Urban India." Dr. Nori-Sarma is Assistant Professor of Environmental Health...
ID Epi Seminar Series – Oskar Hallatschek
ID Epi Seminar Series Oskar Hallatschek - Who acquires infection from whom? Neutral allele frequency fluctuations can tell
Complex mixtures working group
Join the Harvard Chan NIEHS Center's newest working group on complex mixtures, held the last Monday of each month in HSPH Bldg. 1, 1302! This will be a monthly working group meeting to discuss a wide range of issues related to analyzing health effects of complex mixtures of exposures in environmental health. The January meeting...
Emerging Women Executives in Health Care
VirtualJoin us for a webinar on the Emerging Women Executives in Health Care program offered by Harvard Chan School Executive and Continuing Education, hosted by Program Director Karen A. Curley,...
IID Seminar: Jon Runstadler
THIS SPEAKER WILL BE IN PERSON IN FXB 301. The event will be hybrid and we will have lunch for those that are present. Speaker Information
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