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Upcoming Events

Integrating big data across state-level health databases to evaluate ambient heat, pesticide exposures, and ADHD with Melissa Furlong, PhD

Please join the Harvard Chan NIEHS Center for Environmental Health and the Department of Environmental Health for a talk by Melissa Furlong, PhD, of the University of Arizona. Dr. Furlong will discuss "Integrating big data across state-level health databases to evaluate ambient heat, pesticide exposures, and ADHD." Dr. Furlong is an environmental epidemiologist who studies...

Specific Aims Review Session

For Center members, their collaborators, affiliates, and trainees  Are you preparing for an upcoming environmental health-related submission? Have your Specific Aims page reviewed by our senior NIEHS Center faculty! In a friendly, constructive, small-group open session, a panel of Center members will offer critique and suggestions to improve your Specific Aims. Proposals are welcomed that relate to...

Complex mixtures working group

Join the Harvard Chan NIEHS Center's newest working group on complex mixtures, held the last Monday of each month in HSPH Bldg. 1, 1302! This will be a monthly working group meeting to discuss a wide range of issues related to analyzing health effects of complex mixtures of exposures in environmental health. The first meeting...

Last Date to add/drop/change – HSPH Courses: Spring 2 Term

This is the last date for any student to submit enrollment transactions into HSPH courses. This is also the last date that an HSPH student can drop ANY course without permission. After this date, HSPH students can submit a petition to the Registrar’s Office via my.harvard to request a late drop, which will result in...