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Recent Publications

scATAC-seq disease-critical cell types paper (Kim et al. 2024) (slides of ASHG 2021 talk)
Tissue co-regulation score regression paper (Amariuta et al. 2023) and TCSC software (slides of ASHG 2022 talk)
Age-dependent topic modeling paper (Jiang et al. 2023) and ATM software (slides of ASHG 2022 talk)
Gene co-regulation score regression paper (Siewert-Rocks et al. 2022) and GCSC software (slides of Biology of Genomes 2020 talk)
Cross-population prediction paper (Weissbrod*,Kanai*,Shi* et al. 2022) and PolyPred Software (slides of ASHG 2020 talk)
SNP-to-gene linking paper (Gazal et al. 2022) and S2G software (News & Views)
Enhancer-related genes paper (Dey et al. 2022) and GSSG software
PRS and family history paper (Hujoel et al. 2022) and PRS-FH software
Single-cell disease relevance score paper (Zhang*,Hou* et al. 2022) and scDRS software
Sc-linker paper (Jagadeesh*,Dey* et al. 2022) and Sc-linker software (slides of ASHG 2021 talk) (Research Highlight)
Case-case GWAS paper (Peyrot et al. 2021) and CC-GWAS software (slides of WCPG 2020 talk) (News & Views)
Cross-population genetic correlation in functional regions paper (Shi et al. 2021) and S-LDXR software (slides of ASHG 2019 talk)
LDpred-funct paper (Marquez-Luna et al. 2021) and LDpred-funct software
Liability threshold modeling of family history paper (Hujoel et al. 2020) and LT-FH software
TF binding heritability paper (van de Geijn et al. 2020)
Deep learning heritability paper (Dey et al. 2020)
Functionally informed fine-mapping paper (Weissbrod et al. 2020) and PolyFun software (slides of ASHG 2019 talk)
Mendelian pathogenicity scores for common disease paper (Kim et al. 2020) and AnnotBoost software (slides of ASHG 2020 talk)
Functionally informed GWAS paper (Kichaev et al. 2019) and FINDOR software
Cross-population genetic correlation paper (Galinsky et al. 2019)
MAF-dependent architecture paper (Schoech et al. 2019)
Regulatory element evolution paper (Hujoel et al. 2019) (slides of ASHG 2018 talk)
Gene network connectivity paper (Kim et al. 2019)
Reconciling S-LDSC and LDAK paper (Gazal et al. 2019) and LD Score software
Polygenicity paper (O’Connor et al. 2019) and S-LD4M software
Transposable element heritability paper (Hormozdiari et al. 2019)