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Polling on Polio Immunization  

The Harvard Opinion Research Program (HORP) conducts and analyzes public opinion research about public health and emergencies, health care policy, economic and social policies, international public health, and elections, revealing the attitudes and experiences shaping health and politics across the U.S. and around the world.

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Polling on Polio Immunization  

“We have come so far together in the fight to end polio.  We have the means to finish the job.  We can make history.  Or we can fail to seize the moment.  Lest history judge us harshly, let a polio-free world be our legacy to the next generation of children.”   – Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director

Since 2013, HORP has worked together with UNICEF on a collaborative polling effort to support high-quality, strategic knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) polls in seven polio-priority countries, including multiple waves in endemic countries – Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria.

The polls provide a localized and evolving picture of caregivers’ perspectives on the vaccine and vaccination efforts by assessing caregivers’ awareness, knowledge, and experience with:

  • The disease and vaccine, including oral polio vaccine (OPV) and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
  • The vaccination process (e.g., interpersonal relationship with vaccinators)
  • Organizations responsible for vaccination efforts
  • Communication and media about polio and vaccination

Data emerging from this collaboration have been critical to drive on-the-ground Polio Programme and communication efforts. In addition, cross-country results have laid the foundation for the global communication strategy for polio eradication efforts.

Publications to date:

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Contact Information:

Gillian SteelFisher, PhD, MSc, Senior Research Scientist and Director of Global Polling, HORP