Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness
The mission of the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness is to build a rigorous and interdisciplinary science of positive health, happiness, and well-being with a focus on health equity, and to translate the science to influence practice and policy.
Kresge Building 6th Floor
677 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Funding Opportunities
The Center offers a variety of funding opportunities to support cutting-edge research into positive health, happiness, and well-being by Harvard students, scholars, and faculty.
Dissertation Research Award
The purpose of this award is to assist Harvard doctoral students with research costs of up to $2,500 for up to 2 years. Research must be in the field of positive health. Our Center welcomes applications from interested students whose research projects incorporate positive health factors from a wide, interdisciplinary range of lenses, encouraging innovative approaches and diverse perspectives in addressing the complexities of human well-being.
Innovations in Positive Health Grant
This grant supports pioneering research at early stages of development that focuses on positive health science or communication and translation sciences related to positive health science. Funding can be used to cover research-related expenses, such as: investigator and research staff salary support, obtaining access to existing data, data collection activities, conference presentations, and travel (with prior approval). This is a competitive grant program. It is open to all Harvard University faculty, research scientists, and post-doctoral research scholars.