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Initiative on Health and Homelessness

The Initiative on Health and Homelessness (IHH) fosters a network of researchers and practitioners dedicated to inspiring and supporting emerging public health professionals in addressing health and homelessness, providing resources to drive real-world change to improve the health and lives of unhoused individuals.

Phone 617-432-4501

677 Huntington Avenue
Kresge 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02115

Exchange with an Expert Series

Our e-newsletter, Leading Questions, features an “Exchange with an Expert” series, offering insights and perspectives from leading voices in health and homelessness.

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Featured Past Interviews:

Dr. Howard Koh, Faculty Chair, IHH

Robert Heckart, Founding Board Member, Y2Y Network & Senior Advisor, IHH

Diana Barrett, Founder, The Fledgling Fund

Bobby Watts, CEO, National Health Care for the Homeless Council

Rosanne Haggerty, President and CEO, Community Solutions

Katherine Koh, MD Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program and Massachusetts General Hospital

Ernesto Gonzalez, MD Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program and Massachusetts General Hospital

Catherine Crosland, MD, Medical Director of Emergency Response Sites for Unity Health Care in Washington, D.C.

Monik C. Jimenez, SM, Sc, Epidemiologist and Assistant Professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School.

Michael Mayer

Phoebe Grant-Robinson

Ronay A. Menschel