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Golden Lab’s Planetary Health Research Group

The Golden Lab uses planetary health approaches to examine the human health impacts of climate and environmental change. Our team is split into two, with half of us focusing on data science approaches to establishing systems of climate-smart public health, and the other half focusing on healthy and sustainable food systems, with a particular focus on aquatic foods.


Building 2, Room 329
655 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

Laura Elsler

Laura G Elsler is Laura Elsler is a research associate at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, at the Golden Lab. Her research investigates global nutrition vulnerability and nutrition implications of marine governance and seafood trade. She is a social-ecological modeler with 8+ years of experience combining quantitative, big data analysis (e.g., FAO landings, Comtrade, OBIS, Global Ocean Policy Document Database) with qualitative field research. Previously she advanced research on rarely quantified social and governance processes determining the sustainable use of marine environments. Laura holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, led a Graduate Pursuit funded by SESYNC, worked as a Research Consultant for a UN Agency, and consulted European NGOs on ocean policies. Laura has engaged with diverse audiences, from fishers and farmers through to national ministries and UN institutions. She is deeply committed to address sustainability challenges through improved (intersectional, gender, decolonial) equity in the ocean sector as a DEI lead of the ECOP UN Ocean Decade Program.