Golden Lab’s Planetary Health Research Group
The Golden Lab uses planetary health approaches to examine the human health impacts of climate and environmental change. Our team is split into two, with half of us focusing on data science approaches to establishing systems of climate-smart public health, and the other half focusing on healthy and sustainable food systems, with a particular focus on aquatic foods.
Building 2, Room 329
655 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
Climate-Smart Public Health
To design systems of climate-smart public health, and by developing analytical methods that link climate and environmental data to national health systems data, we intend to answer pressing questions about the role of ecological transformations on human health. We have created unique agreements with the Governments of Madagascar and Nepal to access their national health system data to create research data platforms that will enable adaptation and preparedness efforts in the face of climate change. Our research will have a reach that extends far beyond Madagascar and Nepal. More than 80 countries worldwide use DHIS2 (a national health systems data platform) for collecting and analyzing health data, with 3.2 billion people (40% of the world’s population) living in countries where DHIS2 is used. All of the coding pipelines and data linking that we develop will be adaptable to any country using DHIS2.