Harvard Chan NIEHS Center for Environmental Health
The Harvard Chan National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Center for Environmental Health is a coordinated set of resources and facilities supporting environmental health research and training activities throughout the greater Boston area. The center promotes integration between basic and applied environmental science, and fosters collaborations that cross departmental and institutional boundaries.
665 Huntington Ave.
Building 1-1402
Boston, MA 02115
Series and Seminars
The Harvard Chan NIEHS Center for Environmental Health hosts lecture series, Specific Aims Review Sessions, Environmental Justice Boot Camp, and other events.
Colloquium Series (2nd Weds)
Monthly seminars during the academic year featuring EH thought leaders from around the world.
Specific Aims Review Sessions
Open to investigators at all levels with upcoming grant submissions. A panel of faculty members offer their critique of and suggestions for improving Specific Aims sections.
Center Member Research Presentations (4th Weds)
Monthly seminars during the academic year featuring EH thought leaders from around the world
Environmental Justice Boot Camp
Environmental Justice Boot Camp is held annually as a collaboration between Columbia, Harvard, UCSF, and UW.
SPARC Sessions
The Space for Alternative Research Collaboration (SPARC) sessions occur quarterly and provide opportunities for Center members and affiliates at all levels (faculty, research scientists, postdocs and students) to meet informally.
Annual Center Retreat
The retreat features poster and oral presentations about Center resources, research, and pilot projects. There is also opportunity to network, share ideas, and promote new collaborations.