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Education and Research Center

The Harvard T.H. Chan Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health (ERC) is one of the 18 regional centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The Harvard Chan ERC supports traineeships at the master, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels.

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665 Huntington Avenue
Building 1, Room 1404
Boston, MA 02115

Occupational Epidemiology

For 45 years, faculty affiliated with the Harvard Chan ERC have trained predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees in occupational epidemiology in the Occupational Epidemiology (OE) Program. Through sound epidemiologic investigation, the OE Program seeks to identify disease determinants and evaluate preventive interventions. Research activities in our OE Program are centered on the three broad priority categories listed in the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA): disease and injury, work environment and workforce, and research tools and approaches.

The Occupational Epidemiology Program provides financial support and training to students enrolled in predoctoral academic programs and postdoctoral fellows who wish to concentrate in one of the following areas: occupational health, occupational epidemiology, or environmental and occupational molecular epidemiology.

Scientist wearing safety goggles and gloves uses a microscope to examine a sample in a petri dish

Doctoral and master’s degree-seeking students take a curriculum that includes courses in epidemiology, exposure assessment, occupational health, biostatistics, and toxicology. The area emphasizes the application of biomarkers to occupational health and the statistical modeling of exposure-response relationships. For the environmental and occupational molecular epidemiology specialization, the curriculum is augmented by the study of molecular biomarkers, genetics, and molecular biology.