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Education and Research Center

The Harvard T.H. Chan Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health (ERC) is one of the 18 regional centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The Harvard Chan ERC supports traineeships at the master, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels.

Phone 617-432-2422

665 Huntington Avenue
Building 1, Room 1404
Boston, MA 02115

Seminar Series

ERC seminars are funded by our Center through NIOSH grant T42 OH008416. Continuing Medical Education credits (CMEs) are awarded for seminars with clinically relevant content to US-licensed physicians by agreement with the Accreditation Council of Continuing Medical Education.

Seminars are held during the academic year, on Fridays, 1:10­–1:50 pm, with both in-person and Zoom attendance options. The Grand Rounds Series and OSH Seminar Series are organized on roughly alternate Fridays. We welcome all Harvard Chan faculty, staff, students, and the general public.

Please note that access to all Harvard Chan buildings is restricted to authorized HUID holders. Members of the public and non-School affiliates who wish to attend a seminar in person must obtain a visitor pass. Please request a one-day visitor pass from Outreach Program Director Ann Backus at at least two business days before the event.

Pre-registration for Zoom attendance is required. The registration links/QR codes are included in all seminar-related communication (i.e., social media posts, emails, and posters). Attendees will receive the seminar-specific Zoom link after they register.

Seminar locations vary throughout the year, depending on room availability. For in-person attendance, please note the room for each seminar session.