Education and Research Center
The Harvard T.H. Chan Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health (ERC) is one of the 18 regional centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The Harvard Chan ERC supports traineeships at the master, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels.
665 Huntington Avenue
Building 1, Room 1404
Boston, MA 02115
Healthcare Professionals Outreach
We reach out to healthcare professionals through the following activities:

In collaboration with our occupational and environmental medicine residents, we provide over 15 Grand Rounds per year, which cover the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of occupational injuries seen by residents in the clinic. The Grand Rounds reach physicians, industrial hygienists, and epidemiologists around the world. We provide CMEs to U.S.-licensed physicians.
For the NECOEM annual meeting, the Outreach Program serves as a vendor and provides an oral poster presentation on an emerging occupational or environmental health issue in the northeast.
In collaboration with an industrial hygienist and a safety trainer from MassCOSH, the Outreach Program developed and delivers occupational safety and health training for community health workers. The training is customized for the “client”, can be delivered in person or remotely, and can accommodate Spanish-speaking groups.
Program Director Ann Backus accompanies Visiting Scholar Tara Casimir, PhD, RN, and student nurses from the University of Southern Maine to rural Maine islands to provide cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure screenings. Ms. Backus provides hearing loss screenings during these sessions. The educational component not only provides student nurses with community nursing experience but also allows them to learn about rural work environments.