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The Atrocity Prevention Lab is a project to strengthen innovation, collaboration, and impact of atrocity and conflict prevention work through the integration of spatial methods and technologies. Launched in 2023, this project was established by the Signal Program on Human Security and Technology at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. 


Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
14 Story Street, 2nd Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138

Image of an atrium in which a large globe hangs covered in satellite imagery pixels.

Welcome to the Atrocity Prevention Lab

Our mission is to strengthen the efficacy and efficiency of atrocity and conflict early warning/early action (EW/EA) work through strategic, evidence-based, and ethical integration of spatial methods, field methods, and novel analytic tools into existing EW/EA decision-support mechanisms and workflows.

This website catalogs the team’s work to date, amplifies the work of conflict and atrocity prevention organizations, and hosts resources intended to support practitioners, researchers, technologists, policymakers, and any interested individuals who would like to learn how spatial methods can be used for conflict and atrocity prevention early warning/early action systems.



Register for the upcoming 2025 Conference or view recordings from the 2024 Inaugural Conference.


Read more about what is new and what we are thinking…

Community of Practice

A space for practitioners to come together to share ideas.


Curious about the gap between academic and practitioner use of data analytics for atrocity prevention? 


Educational offerings created by us to build spatial literacy and bridge capacity within EW/EA organizations.


Look through curated materials about spatial methods, early warning systems, geospatial ethics, and more.

Work with us

Check out our current openings and opportunities to collaborate.

Stakeholder Network

Meet our stakeholders through an interactive web map.