Office for Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) enhances the student experience by fostering connections in the Harvard Chan community.
Kresge G-4
Health and Wellness
Please see below for the resources available to students.
Harvard Square Clinic
Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center
75 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Medical Area Clinic
Vanderbilt Hall
275 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Harvard University Health Service’s (HUHS) Wellbeing Framework
- Our wellbeing is dynamic and ever changing. During different times of our lives some aspects of our wellbeing will take priority, while others may be less significant. This is OK and normal.
- All aspects of our health and wellness are interconnected. Each dimension of wellbeing affects the others and vice versa.
- It is important to take time to check in with ourselves to notice if we are spending time on the areas of wellbeing that are important to us.
- Developing each dimension is about practice, not perfection. We seek to strengthen our overall wellbeing and try to let go of the idea of perfection.
- The image above is based on the stained glass rose window outside of Memorial Hall. We love this image because wellbeing is just like stained glass. Depending on the type of light hitting the stained glass, it will change. It is always dynamic, just like us all.
Counseling and Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a counseling and mental health support service that seeks to work collaboratively with students and the University to support individuals who are experiencing any measure of distress in their lives. This may include bereavement, adjustment difficulties, depression, anxiety, stress, concerns interfering with work or relationships, sexual concerns, or high-risk behaviors around food, alcohol, or other substances. Treatment options include individual counseling, medication management, group therapy, peer counseling, and workshops. All visits are confidential. Mental health records are held separately from the rest of the medical records, except for information on medications. Counseling and mental health services are also offered at satellite health clinics on the Harvard Law School and Longwood Medical Area campuses.
TimelyCare is a virtual health and wellbeing platform for Harvard Students to find providers who can offer support for a wide range of common concerns, including scheduled counseling, psychiatry, and self-care content. For more information you can go to this website or download the app to access care.
Center for Wellness and Health Promotion
75 Mt. Auburn Street, 2nd Floor
The Center for Wellness and Health Promotion (CWHP) works to cultivate a happy, healthy, and engaged Harvard community through education and the promotion of holistic health and wellbeing. Students can participate in a wide range of offerings, including workshops that highlight activities to enhance wellbeing, such as massage and acupuncture services, yoga, meditation, Pilates, and other group classes.
We offer:
- Massage and acupuncture appointments at discounted rates for Harvard students
- Movement based classes, including yoga inspired, tai-chi, pilates, etc.
- Mindfulness and meditation classes
- Workshops and presentations on topics including sleep, sexual health, holistic wellbeing, alcohol and other substance use, and more
Check out our website for more information about all of our services and workshops:
Sexual Harassment/Assault Resources Education (SHARE) Counselors provide a range of confidential and privileged services to support individual and community healing from harm, as well as prevention education initiatives designed for Harvard students, faculty, staff, and post-doctoral students. Examples of confidential services provided by SHARE Counselors include:
- Trauma-informed counseling
- Education and support groups
- 24-hour crisis hotline (617) 495-9100
- Community referrals
- Advocacy
- Support in deciding whether or how to connect with a Title IX Resource Coordinator about things such as making a disclosure and seeking supportive measures.
- Information regarding the University’s formal complaint processes.
- Information regarding legal processes, such as how to file a police report or apply for a restraining order.
- Accompaniment to meetings, the hospital, court, police, etc.
Smith Campus Center, Suite 624
1350 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 496-5636
Crisis Hotline: (617) 495-9100
Students can talk informally and off the record with the impartial Ombuds in order to clarify their issues, identify their goals and consider a range of options to address their concerns (ex: work/learning environment and performance, fear of retaliation, professional authorship, sexual harassment and discrimination).
Melissa Brodrick, Ombudsperson
617 432-4040
164 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
For more information visit here.
At Harvard Chan, we believe that promoting and maintaining your mental wellness is integral to ensuring you can thrive both inside and outside of the academic environment.
What this looks like varies from person to person. Whether you are looking for additional academic support, a referral to a therapist, or strategies to manage your anxiety, we have assembled a list of school, clinical, and external resources to support you and your success. As always, students are welcome to contact the Office for Student Affairs with any questions or concerns.
Longwood Campus Resources
CLICK HERE to learn about people, places, and programs that are available at Harvard Chan and the Longwood campus
- Reflection Room
- Meditation and Prayer Rooms
- Light Boxes
- Countway Cuddles
Harvard-wide Resources
CLICK HERE to explore services and resources that are available to students across Harvard University
- Harvard University Counseling and Mental Health Services
- Harvard University Student Health Plan
- Clinical Resources
- Harvard Center for Wellness and Health Promotion
- CAMHS Cares Line
Harvard Chan Student-recommended Resources
CLICK HERE for external tools and recommendations compiled by students in the Harvard Chan MHSA
- Relaxation and Stress Management
- Connecting with Peers
- Time Management
- Imposter Syndrome
- Sleep
- Nature
- Advice from Current Students
The Harvard Chan Crimson Folder (formerly the Red Folder) is a quick reference guide to support resources. It was developed to help faculty, staff and graduate teaching/research assistants prepare to support students by learning how to recognize signs of distress, respond to student’s needs with attention and empathy, and appropriately refer students to resources.
Harvard Chan Crimson Folder
Harvard Chan Student Care Team
As a part of its overarching mission, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health seeks to promote the well-being and success of all its students. In 2018 the Care Team was established to support the school’s mission to foster an environment where students are able to thrive in their pursuit of advancing the public’s health.
The Care Team works to holistically support students encountering challenges that impact their ability to effectively engage in their program of study. The Care Team meets regularly throughout the year to collaboratively and thoughtfully consider each student case.
The Care Team systematically identifies and assesses student support cases and recommends courses of action to provide a pathway to academic success. This work in turn informs revisions to policies and protocols.
Faculty, staff, students, and others who are concerned about the safety or behavior of a student are encouraged to talk to the student directly, and/or refer the student to the Care Team for assistance.
Some of the circumstances one may consider contacting the Care Team about a student of concern are:
- academic or personal distress
- emergency/crisis situations
- concerning or unsafe behavior
- post-hospitalization support
- financial hardship
- death or serious illness of a family member
- personal health and safety needs
- other extenuating circumstances
For additional guidance on recognizing and helping students of concern please refer to this resource from Harvard University Health Services: Assisting Students in Distress
The Student Hardship Fund (formerly the Student Emergency Fund) is designed to provide temporary, short-term financial assistance to students in degree programs who are managing demanding academic requirements while struggling with unanticipated or emergency financial situations.
For more information about The Student Hardship Fund how students can apply please click here.
The Care Team is involved with reviewing applications to The Student Hardship Fund on an as needed basis.