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Major APHA awards for HICRC leaders

Deb Azrael, Director of Research at HICRC for more than a quarter century, won the 2024 Excellence in Science Award from the Injury Control section of the American Public Health Association.  Her “extraordinary contributions” include her work in violence surveillance (e.g., co-creating the pilot for the National Violent Death Reporting System, and directing the Boston Data Project) and her more than 150 journal articles on suicide and other firearm-related injuries.  Perhaps most outstanding has been her role as a mentor to young investigators.  In the past five years, for example, she has helped 25 students and other young scholars become first authors on important violence-related publications. Congratulations Deb!!

Cathy Barber, who has also worked full time at HICRC for the past 25 years, won the 2024 Distinguished Career in Public Service award from Injury Control section of APHA.  As one of many examples of “her outstanding  accomplishments in public health” was as a driving force in the development of the prototype for the National Violence Death Reporting System, now administered by CDC. CDC’s new surveillance system for monitoring drug overdose is based on the NVDRS platform. Another well-deserved recognition for Cathy’s accomplishments!

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