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The JPB Environmental Health Fellowship Program

A new generation of compassionate research scholars committed to solving complex environmental health challenges from multiple perspectives

Phone 617-384-8825

Department of Environmental Health
401 Park Drive, 4th Floor WEST, 404N
Boston, MA 02215


To date over 120 peer-reviewed papers have been published. Our Fellows have also ensured that their research translates into meaningful, real-world impact through partnerships with community groups across our country.

List of papers supported by the Fellowship funds

  • Suthar, H., Tanghal, R.B., Chatzi, L. et al. Metabolic Perturbations Associated with both PFAS Exposure and Perinatal/Antenatal Depression in Pregnant Individuals: A Meet-in-the-Middle Scoping Review. Curr Envir Health Rpt 11, 404–415 (2024). Research Supported by JPB EH Fellowship 
  • Anastario, M., Suarez, A., Williamson, O., Firemoon, P., Roberts, E. F., & Barber, J. (2024). Injection preparation filtration and health concerns among indigenous people who inject methamphetamine. Frontiers in Public Health12, 1390210.
  • Hendricks, M. D., & Rosenberg Goldstein, R. E. (2024). Sanitary sewer overflows, household sewage backups, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria: the new frontier of environmental health risks and disasters. Environmental Research: Health. Research Supported by JPB EH Fellowship 
  • Eick, S. M., Eatman, J. A., Chandler, M., & Brooks, N. R. (2024). Reproductive and Social Policies, Sociopolitical Stress, and Implications for Maternal and Child Health Equity. Current Environmental Health Reports, 1-9.
  • Eisen, A. M., Bratman, G. N., & Olvera-Alvarez, H. A. (2024). Susceptibility to stress and nature exposure: Unveiling differential susceptibility to physical environments; a randomized controlled trial. Plos one19(4), e0301473. Research Supported by JPB EH Fellowship 
  • Mayer, A., & Carter, E. (2024). Social norms, pro-environmental identity, and finances: what motivates households to participate in energy efficiency programs?. Energy Efficiency17(4), 30. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Rieves, E. S., Reid, C. E., Carlson, K., & Li, X. (2024). Do environmental attitudes and personal characteristics influence how people perceive their exposure to green spaces?. Landscape and Urban Planning248, 105080. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Schinasi, Leah H., Augusta Williams, and Alina Schnake-Mahl. “Mandated rest breaks and occupational injuries and illnesses in Dallas County, TX construction workers: A quasi-experimental, comparative interrupted time series study.” Journal of occupational and environmental medicine (2023): 10-1097.
  • Mayer, A., Carter, E., & Feinberg, E. (2023). Partisanship and energy efficiency program participation in the USA. npj Climate Action2(1), 39. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Berberian, A. G., Rempel, J., Depsky, N., Bangia, K., Wang, S., & Cushing, L. J. (2023). Race, Racism, and Drinking Water Contamination Risk From Oil and Gas Wells in Los Angeles County, 2020. American Journal of Public Health, (0), e1-e10. Research Supported by JPB Foundation
  • Cushing, L. J., Li, S., Steiger, B. B., & Casey, J. A. (2023). Historical red-lining is associated with fossil fuel power plant siting and present-day inequalities in air pollutant emissions. Nature Energy8(1), 52-61. Research Supported by JPB Foundation
  • Cushing, L. J., Ju, Y., Kulp, S., Depsky, N., Karasaki, S., Jaeger, J., … & Morello-Frosch, R. (2023). Toxic Tides and Environmental Injustice: Social Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise and Flooding of Hazardous Sites in Coastal California. Environmental Science & Technology57(19), 7370-7381. Research Supported by JPB Foundation
  • Jalbert, K., Dickinson, K. L., Baka, J., & Florence, N. (2023). Influence in the right-of-way: Assessing landowners’ risk decision-making in negotiating oil and gas pipeline easements. The Extractive Industries and Society14, 101276. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Horgan, L., Mok, K., Boetsch, E., Kelly, S., Dickinson, K., Nost, E., … & Wylie, S. (2023). What Does Chelsea Creek Do for You? A Relational Approach to Environmental Justice Communication. Environmental JusticeResearch Supported by JPB Funds
  • Lerman-Sinkoff, S., Wylie, S., Jalbert, K., Moore, G., & Rogan, J. (2023). “Become a Gas Leak Detective!” Evaluating a multigenerational citizen science program for connecting distribution pipelines to energy justice. Energy Research & Social Science105, 103251. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Jalbert, K., Wasserman, S., & Florence, N. (2023). Scaffolding civic infrastructures: Examining the role of civic technoscience in public engagements with oil and gas pipelines. Energy Research & Social Science102, 103187. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Jalbert, K.Dickinson, K. L., Baka, J., & Florence, N. (2023). Influence in the right-of-way: Assessing landowners’ risk decision-making in negotiating oil and gas pipeline easements. The Extractive Industries and Society14, 101276. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Jalbert, K., Wasserman, S., Garza Navarro, H., & Florence, N. (2023). Petro-Security State Power and the Imaginaries of Extremism: An Analysis of US Critical Infrastructure Trespass Bills Targeting Anti-Pipeline Advocacy Movements. Environmental Justice16(1), 43-53. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Bratman, G. N., & Olvera-Alvarez, H. A. (2022). Nature and Health: Perspectives and Pathways. Ecopsychology14(3), 133-136. Manuscript Supported by JPB EH Fellowship 
  • Yin, J., Bratman, G. N., Browning, M. H., Spengler, J. D., & Olvera-Alvarez, H. A. (2022). Stress recovery from virtual exposure to a brown (desert) environment versus a green environment. Journal of Environmental Psychology81, 101775. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Carrión D, Belcourt AFuller CH. Heading upstream: Strategies to shift environmental justice research from disparities to equity.  American Journal of Public Health. 2022;112:59-62
  • Ceballos, D. M., Dong, Z., Peters, J. L., Herrick, R. F., Gupta, P., & Spengler, J. D. (2022). Metals dust in workers’ homes and potential for take home in the Greater Boston area: Pilot study. Environmental Research, 112893.
  • Thayer, K. L., Lane, K., Simon, M. C., Brugge, D., & Fuller, C. H. (2022). An exploratory analysis of sociodemographic characteristics with ultrafine particle concentrations in Boston, MA. Plos one17(3), e0263434.
  • Swope, C. B., Hernández, D., & Cushing, L. J. (2022). The relationship of historical redlining with present-day neighborhood environmental and health outcomes: a scoping review and conceptual model. Journal of Urban Health, 1-25. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Devoss, R., Auerbach, J., Banacos, N., Burnett, A., Oke, O., Pease, S., … & Dickinson, K. L. (2022). What is known about mental health and US federal housing subsidy programs? A scoping review. SSM-Mental Health, 100155. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Hendricks, M. D. (2022). Leveraging Critical Infrastructure Within an Environmental Justice Framework for Public Health Prevention. American Journal of Public Health, (0), e1-e3. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Cutler, M. J., Jalbert, K., Ball, K., Bruhis, N., & Guetschow, T. (2022). Fisheries co-management in a digital age? An investigation of social media communications on the development of electronic monitoring for the Northeast US groundfish fishery. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Jalbert, K., Wasserman, S., Garza Navarro, H., & Florence, N. (2022). Petro-Security State Power and the Imaginaries of Extremism: An Analysis of US Critical Infrastructure Trespass Bills Targeting Anti-Pipeline Advocacy Movements. Environmental Justice. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Reid, C. E., Rieves, E. S., & Carlson, K. (2022). Perceptions of green space usage, abundance, and quality of green space were associated with better mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic among residents of Denver. PloS one, 17(3), e0263779. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Wu, S., & Roberts, J. D. (2022). Transit justice: community perceptions and anticipations of a new light rail transit line in Prince George’s County, Maryland, United States. Cities & Health, 1-17. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Bratman, G. N., Olvera‐Alvarez, H. A., & Gross, J. J. (2021). The affective benefits of nature exposure. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(8), e12630. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Olvera-Alvarez, H. A., Browning, M. H., Neophytou, A. M., & Bratman, G. N. (2021). Associations of Residential Brownness and Greenness with Fasting Glucose in Young Healthy Adults Living in the Desert. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 520. Research Supported by JPB Funds
  • Appleton, A. A. (2021). Response to “An Overlooked and more Complicated Association of Social Support with Infant Birth Size”. Maternal and Child Health Journal25(4), 507-509.
  • Appleton, A. A., Kiley, K. C., Schell, L. M., Holdsworth, E. A., Akinsanya, A., & Beecher, C. (2021). Prenatal Lead and Depression Exposures Jointly Influence Birth Outcomes and NR3C1 DNA Methylation. International journal of environmental research and public health18(22), 12169.
  • Appleton, A. A., Lin, B., Holdsworth, E. A., Feingold, B. J., & Schell, L. M. (2021). Prenatal Exposure to Favorable Social and Environmental Neighborhood Conditions Is Associated with Healthy Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes. International journal of environmental research and public health18(11), 6161.
  • Bratman, G. N., Olvera‐Alvarez, HA, & Gross, J. J. (2021). The affective benefits of nature exposure. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(8), Article e12630.
  • Browning MHEM, Larson LR, Sharaievska I, Rigolon A, McAnirlin O, et al. Olvera Alvarez HA (2021). Psychological impacts from COVID-19 among university students: Risk factors across seven states in the United States. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0245327.
  • Brugge D, Fuller CH editors: Ambient Combustion-Related Ultrafine Particles and Health. 1st  edition. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers; 2021.
  • Ceballos, D. M., Herrick, R. F., Dong, Z., Kalweit, A., Miller, M., Quinn, J., & Spengler, J. D. (2021). Factors affecting lead dust in construction workers’ homes in the Greater Boston Area. Environmental research195, 110510.
  • Ceballos, D. M., Young, A. S., Allen, J. G., Specht, A. J., Nguyen, V. T., Craig, J. A., … & Webster, T. F. (2021). Exposures in nail salons to trace elements in nail polish from impurities or pigment ingredients–A pilot study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health232, 113687.
  • Fu, X., Hernández, D., Attinson, D. N., Kponee, K. Z., Bartelli, D., Gretz, A. M., … & Jia, C. (2021). Airborne 2, 5-dimethylfuran as a marker to indicate exposure to indoor tobacco and biomass burning smoke. Atmospheric Environment259, 118509.
  • Hernández D, Harned E, Yomogida M, Attinson D, Giovenco DP, Jia C, Martinez P, Camerata S, Howard JM, Aidala A. 2021. A new lease on life in public housing: Assessing the impact of the rental assistance demonstration (RAD) program on smoking in buildings and resident satisfaction. Cityscape. 23(2):67-94.
  • Jennings, V., Reid, C.E., Fuller, C.H. Green infrastructure can limit but not solve air pollution injustice. Nature Communications 2021; 12, 4681-4681
  • Jia, C., Fu, X., Chauhan, B., Xue, Z., Kedia, R. J., & Mishra, C. S. (2021). Exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at gas stations: a probabilistic analysis. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 1-13.
  • Olvera-Alvarez HA, Browning MHEM, Neophytou AM, Bratman GN. Associations of Residential Brownness and Greenness with Fasting Glucose in Young Healthy Adults Living in the Desert. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(2):520.
  • Specht, A. J., Zhang, X., Young, A., Nguyen, V. T., Christiani, D. C., Ceballos, D. M., … & Weisskopf, M. G. (2021). Validation of in vivo toenail measurements of manganese and mercury using a portable X-ray fluorescence device. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 1-7.
  • Suarez-Lopez JR, Cairns MR, Sripada K, Quiros-Alcala L, Mielke HW, Eskenazi B, Etzel RA, Kordas K. COVID-19 and children’s health in the United States: Consideration of physical and social environments during the pandemic. Environ Res. 2021 Apr 20;197:111160. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111160. PMID: 3385291
  • Yin Jie., Bratman G., Browning MHEM., Spengler J., Olvera-Alvarez HA (2021). Stress recovery from virtual exposure to a brown (desert) environment versus a green environment. Journal of Environmental Psychology. Accepted; February 5, 2022.
  • Versteegen, M., Bozlak, C. T., Larkin, H., & Appleton, A. A. (2021). Maternal depression, adverse childhood experiences, and social support in relation to gestational diabetes risk: results from the Albany Infant and Mother Study (AIMS). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth21(1), 1-7.
  • Holdsworth, E. A., & Appleton, A. A. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences and reproductive strategies in a contemporary US population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology171(1), 37-49.
  • Jia, C., Fu, X., Bartelli, D., & Smith, L. (2020). Insignificant impact of the “stay-at-home” order on ambient air quality in the Memphis Metropolitan Area, USA. Atmosphere11(6), 630.
  • Jia, C., Xue, Z., Fu, X., Sultana, F., Smith, L. J., Zhang, Y., … & Liu, B. (2020). Impacts of Independence Day fireworks on pollution levels of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the US. Science of The Total Environment743, 140774.
  • Kalweit, A., Herrick, R. F., Flynn, M. A., Spengler, J. D., Berko Jr, J. K., Levy, J. I., & Ceballos, D. M. (2020). Eliminating take-home exposures: recognizing the role of occupational health and safety in broader community health. Annals of Work Exposures and Health64(3), 236-249.
  • Scammell MK, Sennett C, Laws RL, Rubin RL, Brooks DR, Amador JJ, López-Pilarte D, Ramirez-Rubio O, Robles NV, Friedman DJ, McClean MD, Navajo Birth Cohort Study Team, Lewis J, Erdei E. 2020. Urinary metals concentrations and biomarkers of autoimmunity among Navajo and Nicaraguan men. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(15), 5263;
  • Nazif-Munoz JI., Cedeno-Laurent JG., Browning M., Spengler JD., Olvera Alvarez HA. Green, Brown, and Gray: Associations between Different Measurements of Land Patterns and Depression among Nursing Students in El Paso, Texas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 8146; November 4, 2020.
  • Schollaert C, Ackley R, DeSantis A, Polka E, Scammell MK. 2020. Natural gas leaks and tree death: A first-look case-control study of urban trees in Chelsea, MA USA. Environmental Pollution
  • Alvarez, H. A. O., Provencio-Vasquez, E., Slavich, G. M., Laurent, J. G. C., Browning, M., McKee-Lopez, G., … & Spengler, J. D. (2019). Stress and Health in Nursing Students: The Nurse Engagement and Wellness Study. Nursing research68(6), 453-463.
  • Appleton, A. A., Kiley, K., Holdsworth, E. A., & Schell, L. M. (2019). Social Support During Pregnancy Modifies the Association Between Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Infant Birth Size. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 1-8.
  • Browning M., & Olvera Alvarez HA. Editorial Commentary: Scanning for threats and natural environments giving our reptilian brains a break. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 1–11. August 2019. doi:10.1016/j.tcm.2019.07.006
  • Ceballos DM, Craig J, Fu X, Jia C, Chambers D, Chu MT, Fernandez AT, Fruh V, Petropoulos ZE, Allen JG, Vallarino J, Thornburg L, Webster TF. 2019. Biological and environmental exposure monitoring of volatile organic compounds among nail technicians in the greater Boston area. Indoor Air 29:539-550
  • Ceballos, D., Guerrero, M., Kalweit, A., Rabin, R., Spengler, J., & Herrick, R. (2019). One-Hour Pilot Training to Prevent Workers From Taking Home Workplace Contaminants. NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy
  • Ceballos, D., West, C., Methner, M., & Gong, W. (2019). Hexavalent Chromium Exposure and Nasal Tissue Effects at a Commercial Aircraft Refinishing Facility. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 61(2), e69-e73.
  • Craig, J., Ceballos, D. M., Fruh, V., Petropoulos, Z. E., Allen, J. G., Calafat, A. M., … & Webster, T. F. (2019). Exposure of nail salon workers to phthalates, di (2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate, and organophosphate esters: A pilot study. Environmental science & technology.
  • Fu, X., Zhu, X., Jiang, Y., Zhang, J. J., Wang, T., & Jia, C. (2019). Centralized outdoor measurements of fine particulate matter as a surrogate of personal exposure for homogeneous populations. Atmospheric Environment, 204, 110-117.
  • Fuller CHAppleton AA, *Bulsara PJ, O’Neill MS, Chang HH, Sarnat JA, Falcón LM, Tucker KL, Brugge D: Sex differences in the interaction of short-term particulate matter exposure and psychosocial stress on C-reactive protein in a Puerto Rican cohort. Social Science & Medicine- Population Health 2019; 9: 100500
  • Hernández, D. “Housing-based Interventions: Harnessing the Social Utility of Housing to Promote Health” American Journal of Public Health [Special Issue on ‘Innovations in Health Promotion’] [Accepted, In Press]
  • Hernández, D., Siegel E. (2019) “Energy Insecurity and its Ill Health Effects: A Community Perspective in New York City” Energy Research and Social Science. pp. 78-83
  • Hernández, D, Swope, C., Azuogu, C., Siegel, E., Giovenco, D. (2019) “‘If I pay my rent, I’m gonna smoke:’ Insights on the social contract of smoke-free housing policy implementation in affordable housing settings” Health & Place [Accepted, In Press]
  • Jia, C., Cao, K., Valaulikar, R., Fu, X., & Sorin, A. B. (2019). Variability of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) in the indoor air of retail stores. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16(23), 4622.
  • Lewis, Jamal, Hernández, D and Geronimous, Arline. “Energy Efficiency as Energy Justice: Addressing Racial Inequities through Investments in People and Places” Energy Efficiency [Special Issue from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy’s Summer Study] [Accepted, In Press]
  • Li, Y., Akkus, C., Yu, X., Joyner, A., Kmet, J., Sweat, D., & Jia, C. (2019). Heatwave Events and Mortality Outcomes in Memphis, Tennessee: Testing Effect Modification by Socioeconomic Status and Urbanicity. International journal of environmental research and public health16(22), 4568. doi:10.3390/ijerph16224568
  • Olvera Alvarez HA., Provencio-Vasquez E., Slavich GM.,Cedeno Laurent JG.,McKee-Lopez G, Robbins L, Spengler J. Stress and Health in Nursing Students: The Nurse Engagement and Wellness Study.  Nursing Research, Epub ahead of print, doi:10.1097/NNR.0000000000000383. August 7, 2019.
  • Scammell MK. 2019. “Chronic Kidney Disease and Scientific Uncertainty, a Way Forward.” The Networker, of the Science & Environmental Health Network, March 30, 2019. Available at:
  • Scammell, M. K. (2019). Trust, Conflict, and Engagement in Occupational Health: North American Epidemiologists Conduct Occupational Study in Communities Affected by Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Origin (CKDu). Current environmental health reports6(4), 247-255.
  • Scammell, M. K., Sennett, C. M., Petropoulos, Z. E., Kamal, J., & Kaufman, J. S. (2019, May). Environmental and occupational exposures in kidney disease. In Seminars in nephrology (Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 230-243). WB Saunders.
  • Suarez-Lopez, J. R., Gross, M. D., & Lee, D. H. (2019). Summary data of serum concentrations of 32 persistent organic pollutants in young adults in relation to summary scores of persistent organic pollutants. Data in Brief, 103720
  • Walters, K. L., Johnson-Jennings, M., Stroud, S., Rasmus, S., Charles, B., John, S., … & Lowe, J. (2018). Growing from our roots: Strategies for developing culturally grounded health promotion interventions in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities. Prevention Science, 1-11.
  • Xue, Z., & Jia, C. (2019). A Model-to-Monitor Evaluation of 2011 National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA). Toxics, 7(1), 13.
  • Aratani, Yumiko, Lazzeroni Sarah Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Hernández, D.* (2018) “Housing Subsidies and Early Childhood Development” Housing Policy Debate. 2019
  • Bakhiyi B, Labrèche F, Gravel S, Ceballos D, Flynn M, Zayed J. Has the question of e-waste opened a Pandora’s Box? An overview of unpredictable issues and challenges of recycling. Environmental International, Vol 10, Pages 173–192, 2018.
  • Beaucham C, Ceballos D, Mueller C, Page E, La Guardia M. Field evaluation of sequential hand wipes for flame retardant exposure in an electronics recycling facility. Chemosphere 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.12.027
  • Carrion D., Victoria Lee, Hernández, Diana. (2018) “Residual Inequity: Assessing the Unintended Consequences of New York City’s Clean Heat Transition” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Special Issue “Environmental Justice Research: Contemporary Issues and Emerging Topics.” 15(1), 117
  • Ceballos D, Broadwater K, Page E, Croteau G, La Guardia MJ. Occupational Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Other Flame Retardant Foam Additives at Gymnastics Studios: Before, During and After the Replacement of Pit Foam with PBDE-Free Foams. Environmental International, 116:1-9, 2018.
  • Ceballos, Diana & West, Christine & Methner, Mark & Gong, Wei. (2018). Hexavalent Chromium Exposure and Nasal Tissue Effects at a Commercial Aircraft Refinishing Facility. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 1. 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001510.
  • Fernandez, Christina, Jiang, Yang, Aratani, Yumiko, Hernández, D.* (2018) “Dual Food and Energy Hardship and Associated Child Behavior Problems” Academic Pediatrics. 
  • Fuller CH, O’Neill, MS, Sarnat JA, Chang HH, Tucker KL, Brugge D. Short-and medium-term associations of particle number concentration with cardiovascular markers in a Puerto Rican cohort. Environmental Research. 2018 (166).
  • Gittelsohn, J., Belcourt, A., Magarati, M., Booth-LaForce, C., Duran, B., Mishra, S. I., Belone, L., & Jernigan, V. B. B. Buidling capacity for productive indigenous community-university partnerships.  Prevention Science (2018).
  • Gould, C. F., Chillrud, S. N., Phillips, D., Perzanowski, M. S., & Hernández, D. (2018). Soot and the city: Evaluating the impacts of Clean Heat policies on indoor/outdoor air quality in New York City apartments. PloS one13(6), e0199783-e0199783.
  • Gu Q., Michanowicz R. D., Jia CR, 2018. Developing a modular unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform for air pollution profiling. Sensors, 18(12), 4363.
  • Hernández, D. (2018). What ‘Merle’Taught Me About Energy Insecurity And Health. Health Affairs37(3), 504-507.
  • Hernández, D., Chang, D., Hutchinson, C., Hill, E., Almonte, A., Burns, R., Shepard, P., Gonzalez, I., Reissig, N. and Evans, D. “Public Housing on the Periphery: Vulnerable Residents and Depleted Resilience Reserves post-Hurricane Sandy.” Journal of Urban Health  pp.1-13. doi: 10.1007/s11524-018-0280-4
  • Kponee KZ, Nwanaji-Enwerem JC, Fu XQ, Kakulu II, Weisskopf MG, Jia CR. 2018. Elevated indoor volatile organic compound exposure in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15(9):1939.
  • Jelks, N. O.; Hawthorne, T. L.; Dai, D.; Fuller, C. H.; Stauber, C., Mapping the Hidden Hazards: Community-Led Spatial Data Collection of Street-Level Environmental Stressors in a Degraded, Urban Watershed. International journal of environmental research and public health 2018, 15, (4).
  • McKee-Lopez G, Robbins L, Provencio-Vasquez E, Olvera Alvarez HA., The Relationship of Childhood Adversity on Burnout and Depression Among BSN StudentsJ Professional Nursing. Available online September 22, 2018.
  • Olvera Alvarez HA, Kubzansky LD, Campen MJ, Slavich GM, Early Life Stress, Air Pollution, Inflammation, and Disease: An Integrative Review and Immunologic Model of Social-Environmental Adversity and Lifespan Health, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.06.002
  • Olvera Alvarez, H.A., Appleton, A.A., Fuller, C.H. Belcourt, A., Kubzansky, L. D. An Integrated Socio-Environmental Model of Health and Well-Being: A Conceptual Framework Exploring the Joint Contribution of Environmental and Social Exposures to Health and Disease Over the Life Span, Current Environmental Health Reports (2018) 5: 233.
  • Pawlowski, E., & Appleton, A. (2018, August). Prenatal Exposure to Manganese and Maternal Psychosocial Stress-Suppression during Pregnancy Jointly Contributes to Restricted Fetal Growth. In ISEE Conference Abstracts (Vol. 2018, No. 1).
  • Pearson, C. R., Smartlowit Briggs, L., Belcourt, A., Bedard Gilligan, M., & Kaysen, D. (2018). Building a Tribal–Academic Partnership to Address PTSD, Substance Misuse, and HIV Among American Indian Women. Health promotion practice, , 152483991876212.
  • Perovich, L. J., Wylie, S., & Bongiovanni, R. (2018). Pokémon Go, pH, and projectors: applying transformation design and participatory action research to an environmental justice collaboration in Chelsea, MA. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 1483874.
  • Ritzman, J, A Brodbeck, S Brostrom, S McGrew, S Dreyer, T Klinger, SK Moore. 2018. Economic and sociocultural impacts of fisheries closures in two fishing-dependent communities following the massive 2015 U.S. West Coast harmful algal bloom. Harmful algae, 80, 35-45
  • Scammell MK, Sennett CM, Petropoulos ZE, Kamal J, Kaufman JS. 2018. Environmental and occupational exposures in kidney disease. (Submitted at the editor’s request for a special issue on chronic kidney disease 4/15/18. Reviewed and revisions submitted 6/15/18 Seminars in Nephrology)
  • Suarez-Lopez JR, Clemesha CG, Porta M, Gross MD, Lee D-H. 2018. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in early adulthood and blood lipids over a 23-year follow-up. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol.; doi:10.1016/J.ETAP.2018.12.018.
  • Tracy, M., Salo, M., & Appleton, A. A. (2018). The mitigating effects of maternal social support and paternal involvement on the intergenerational transmission of violence. Child abuse & neglect78, 46-59.
  • Walters, K. L., Johnson-Jennings, M., Stroud, S., Rasmus, S., Charles, B., John, S., … & Lowe, J. (2018). Growing from our roots: Strategies for developing culturally grounded health promotion interventions in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities. Prevention Science, 1-11.
  • Wylie, Sara. 2018. Fractivism: Corporate Bodies and Chemical Bonds. Duke University Press’s Experimental Futures series. Book
  • Young, A. S., Allen, J. G., Kim, U. J., Seller, S., Webster, T. F., Kannan, K., & Ceballos, D. M. (2018). Phthalate and organophosphate plasticizers in nail polish: evaluation of labels and ingredients. Environmental science & technology52(21), 12841-12850.
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