Last Date to add/drop/change cross-registered courses – HSPH Students: Full Spring & Spring 1 Term
This is the last date that HSPH students are able to enroll in, drop without penalty, or change cross-registered courses.
This is the last date that HSPH students are able to enroll in, drop without penalty, or change cross-registered courses.
Please join this special double OSH seminar with two presenters and topics.
Topic #1: The use of building simulation for environmental health analyses. Topic #2: “F!reF!ighterF!it”: A randomized controlled trial of lifestyle coaching interventions for obese firefighters.
Join us in Kresge 200 for a presentation by Marylou Sudders, Former MA Secretary of Health & Human Services and Senior Policy Advisor at Smith, Costello & Crawford, with an...
Speaker Information Organizers
ID Epi Seminar Series Jessica Metcalf - Infection dynamics and control in a changing world
The Harvard Chan Student Government Association is excited to invite the whole Harvard Chan community to join us for one of our most cherished traditions — ✨i-Night!✨ i-Night, short for...
This is the last date that an HSPH student can drop a course with special permission. Student will receive a grade of “WD” and the withdrawal will be part of their permanent academic record.
Join the Harvard Chan NIEHS Center's newest working group on complex mixtures, held the last Monday of each month in HSPH Bldg. 1, 1302! This will be a monthly working group meeting to discuss a wide range of issues related to analyzing health effects of complex mixtures of exposures in environmental health. The January meeting...
On Tuesday, February 25th, from 1-1:50 PM in Kresge 202A, all Harvard students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join us for a well-being workshop led by Student Steering Committee...
Join us in Kresge 200 for a presentation by Maureen Hensley-Quinn, with an introduction by Professor John McDonough. For more information, contact Cris at Speaker Information Sponsored By:
Fish farming is the fastest growing sector of food production, described as the ‘sustainable answer for food security’. Aquaculture attracts billions in public and private investment, but as the world...
In addition to our degree programs, we offer highly targeted executive and continuing education, directed and taught by Harvard faculty.