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Wildfires in LA: Smoke, Exposures, and Your Health

A Live Panel Discussion Hosted by the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Friday, January 24, 11am EST / 8am PST  Watch live on YouTube:  Wildfires continue to affect people on both coasts of the United States this week, as fires in LA prompted a new wave of evacuations,...

Event Series Complex mixtures working group

Complex mixtures working group

Join the Harvard Chan NIEHS Center's newest working group on complex mixtures, held the last Monday of each month in HSPH Bldg. 1, 1302! This will be a monthly working group meeting to discuss a wide range of issues related to analyzing health effects of complex mixtures of exposures in environmental health. The January meeting...

Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit Informational Webinar

Join us for a live info session to learn more about Putney's collaboration with the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Harvard Chan C-CHANGE).The Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit on Climate, Equity, & Health is a weeklong summer program designed to train and equip students to be...