ID Epi Seminar Series – Volodymyr Minin
ID Epi Seminar Series Oskar Hallatschek - The signal is not flushed away: nowcasting and forecasting using wastewater pathogen surveillance
ID Epi Seminar Series Oskar Hallatschek - The signal is not flushed away: nowcasting and forecasting using wastewater pathogen surveillance
This is the last date for any student to submit enrollment transactions into HSPH courses. This is also the last date that an HSPH student can drop ANY course without permission. After this date, HSPH students can submit a petition to the Registrar’s Office via my.harvard to request a late drop, which will result in...
In partnership with the Romani Studies Program at Central European University, the Center on Forced Displacement at Boston University, the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging...
THIS SPEAKER WILL BE IN PERSON IN FXB 301. The event will be hybrid and we will have lunch for those that are present.
Join us! Alejandra Caraballo will discuss how the U.S. Supreme Court decision in U.S. v. Skrmetti will impact access to gender-affirming health care for transgender people. Lunch will be served....
Join us for a discussion with Katy Evans about how to effectively communicate about public health to the American public. Katy Evans is a Senior Program Officer with the de Beaumont Foundation and will...
Watch here Join the Department of Global Health and Population for our weekly Thursday Brown Bag Series! On April 10, Jane Zhao, PhD, will present, "Why should we care about...
This is the last date that HSPH students are able to enroll in, drop without penalty, or change cross-registered courses.
THIS SPEAKER WILL BE IN PERSON IN FXB 301. The event will be hybrid and we will have lunch for those that are present. Speaker Information
This is the last date that an HSPH student can drop a course with special permission. Student will receive a grade of “WD” and the withdrawal will be part of their permanent academic record.
In addition to our degree programs, we offer highly targeted executive and continuing education, directed and taught by Harvard faculty.