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Exec. Ed. Online: Conflict, Feedback, and Negotiation in Health Care

Program dates: February 18-20, 2025 Application deadline: February 13, 2025 The stakes are high in health care. The ability to negotiate and manage conflict is crucial to guiding your organization. As the health care landscape continues to change, the need for effective leadership and communication skills for managerial stakeholders continues to be pivotal. This online...

Harvard Pop Center Social Demography Seminar: “Women’s socioeconomic advantage over their partners and relationship dissolution: A 29-country study”

9 Bow Street Cambridge, and online

Pilar Gonalons-Pons, PhD, Alber-Klingelfhofer Presidential Associate Professor, department of sociology, University of Pennsylvania, presents “Women’s socioeconomic advantage over their partners and relationship dissolution: A 29-country study.” Speaker Information Organizers

Withdrawal Deadline – HSPH Students: Spring 1 Term

This is the last date that an HSPH student can drop a course with special permission. Student will receive a grade of “WD” and the withdrawal will be part of their permanent academic record.

Complex mixtures working group

Join the Harvard Chan NIEHS Center's newest working group on complex mixtures, held the last Monday of each month in HSPH Bldg. 1, 1302! This will be a monthly working group meeting to discuss a wide range of issues related to analyzing health effects of complex mixtures of exposures in environmental health. The first meeting...

Happiness in Motion: The Power of Exercise

On Tuesday, February 25th, from 1-1:50 PM in Kresge 202A, all Harvard students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join us for a well-being workshop led by Student Steering Committee...