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Family-based crisis intervention: Stabilizing suicidal teens

Virtual When a suicidal adolescent comes into the emergency department (ED), trained facilitators work with the whole family to stabilize the teen, open communication, and equip them all to return home safely. Developed at Boston Children’s Hospital, the 90-minute family-based crisis intervention (FBCI) avoids unneeded hospitalization. This event will examine how this intervention works and...

PEARLS: Coaching for older adults with depression

Virtual Many older people living in the United States are in the grips of a mental health crisis, their struggles compounded by loneliness, isolation, and grief in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. One in four people over age 65 experiences anxiety or depression, yet many never receive treatment—and still more go undiagnosed. For more...

Harvard Catalyst Writing & Communication Center


Free writing and communication resources for researchers. Harvard Catalyst’s Writing and Communication Center was established in 2021 to empower clinical and translational researchers and team members throughout every stage of their careers to better articulate their science. The center includes dozens of free resources, tools, and trainings on science communication, including self-guided learning modules, videos...

Harvard Catalyst Writing & Communication Center


Free writing and communication resources for researchers. Harvard Catalyst’s Writing and Communication Center was established in 2021 to empower clinical and translational researchers and team members throughout every stage of their careers to better articulate their science. The center includes dozens of free resources, tools, and trainings on science communication, including self-guided learning modules, videos...

Harvard Catalyst Writing & Communication Center


Free writing and communication resources for researchers. Harvard Catalyst’s Writing and Communication Center was established in 2021 to empower clinical and translational researchers and team members throughout every stage of their careers to better articulate their science. The center includes dozens of free resources, tools, and trainings on science communication, including self-guided learning modules, videos...

Harvard Catalyst Writing & Communication Center


Free writing and communication resources for researchers. Harvard Catalyst’s Writing and Communication Center was established in 2021 to empower clinical and translational researchers and team members throughout every stage of their careers to better articulate their science. The center includes dozens of free resources, tools, and trainings on science communication, including self-guided learning modules, videos...