Neafsey Lab
The Neafsey Lab uses genomic, transcriptomic, and serologic data to make significant scientific discoveries in malaria and other vector-borne diseases. By studying the genetics of microbes, their carriers (like mosquitoes), and their human hosts, the lab develops new molecular and bioinformatic tools that support public health efforts. Their research helps improve treatments and deepens our understanding of how these diseases spread and evolve.
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Building 1, Room 103
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
Mission & Values
Our Purpose
To pursue major scientific discoveries in malaria genomics and develop molecular and bioinformatic tools that serve public health.
Our Values
We cultivate partnerships that honor all project members as equal intellectual owners and recognize the value of interdisciplinary expertise.
Reproducibility & Rigor
We believe in constructing and performing experiments rigorously to critically evaluate hypotheses. We perform measurements and analyses using current best practices to instill confidence in our science.
We pair new technologies and analytical approaches with important questions to foster field advancement.
Diversity and Anti-racism
We actively work for enhanced representation and support of historically under-represented groups in STEM and celebrate the value of diverse life perspectives in the scientific enterprise.
Translational Impact
We work on projects and tools with the potential to improve public health.
Open Access
We believe in sharing data, discoveries, and protocols openly and widely. We post pre-prints of new manuscripts. We work to build capacity in other groups for empirical data generation and bioinformatic analysis.
We foster a positive scientific community by treating each other with respect, humility and gratitude.