
For information, please contact Nicole Levesque (levesque@hsph.harvard.edu, 617-432-4902)
Monday, May 16, 2022
Virtual Meeting via Zoom and all times below are EDT
8:30 – 8:45 | Welcome & Introduction |
8:45 – 9:00 | Albert Hofman, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Opening Remarks |
9:00 – 10:00 | Eric Pamer, University of Chicago “Investigating and managing infectious diseases in the microbiome era” |
10:00 – 10:30 | Lora Hooper, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center “Bacterial regulation of vitamin A transport” |
10:30 – 10:45 | Aayushi Uberoi, University of Pennsylvania “Commensal microbes can regulate skin barrier through the control of Tryptophan-Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor cascade” |
10:45 – 11:00 | Varun Aggarwala, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai “Stable and specific engraftment of donor strains post fecal microbiota transplant explains remission in patients with Ulcerative Colitis” |
11:00 – 11:15 | Break |
11:15 – 11:45 | Lawrence David, Duke University “DNA metabarcoding for diet tracking” |
11:45 – 12:15 | Scott Handley, Washington University “Computational Approaches for Virome Analysis in Health and Disease” |
12:15 – 1:30 | Lunch Break |
1:30 – 2:00 | Long Nguyen, Massachusetts General Hospital “Metagenomic assessment of gut microbial communities and risk of severe COVID-19” |
2:00 – 2:15 | Karthikeyani Chellappa, University of Pennsylvania “Host-derived nicotinamide in circulation feed gut microbiome“ |
2:15 – 2:30 | Raaj Mehta, Massachusetts General Hospital “Gut Microbial Metabolism of 5-ASA Diminishes Its Clinical Efficacy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease” |
2:30 – 2:45 | Break |
2:45 – 3:15 | Suzanne Devkota, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center “Visceral fat expansion in complex disease and the microbial cues that drive it” |
3:15 – 4:15 | Justin Sonnenberg, Stanford University “Gut microbiome industrialization and the rise of chronic inflammatory disease” |
4:15 – 4:30 | Closing Remarks |
Poster Reception available online all day |