How soon can I collect samples with the customized kit? It usually takes 5-8 weeks for a new order, and 2-4 weeks for a previously existing order to be processed and shipped to a specified destination. Depending on the destination and carrier, the shipping time ranges from 4 days to 3 weeks.
Can I use your services if the sample collection happens outside of the U.S.? It depends on the study-specific kit configuration and country-specific shipping regulation. Please fill in the inquiry form with details of your research. We will reach out to you and answer the question case by case.
How much is the microbiome sample collection kit? The price depends on the study-specific kit configuration, shipping options, processing, and storage plan. Please fill in the inquiry form with details of your research. We will reach out to you and answer the question case by case.
Which carrier do you use? You can decide on the carrier you prefer us to use. USPS is the primary carrier for domestic shipping. FedEx and UPS are primary carriers for international shipping. A wide range of shipping services and delivery options, such as signature upon delivery, pre-paid kit return, scheduled pick-up, are available upon placing the order.
Can I use your services if I prefer to process and storage samples elsewhere? Sample processing and storage at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health are optional for HCMCC kit users.