Center for Health Communication

The Center for Health Communication at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health regularly hosts seminars, workshops, and other events to platform cutting-edge work in health and science communication and build community for health communicators. Check out our past events page to learn more about the types of events we host.
Harvard Chan School hosts a diverse array of speakers, invited to share both scholarly research and personal perspectives. They do not speak for the School, and hosting them does not imply endorsement of their views, organizations, or employers.
Upcoming events
How to meet Americans where they are: Communicating effectively about public health
Join us for a discussion with Katy Evans about how to effectively communicate about public health to the American public. Katy Evans is a Senior Program Officer with the de Beaumont Foundation and will…
Ongoing meetups
Health and science communications research methods
Get together regularly with researchers within the vibrant health and science communication research community here at Harvard to exchange knowledge, refine your communication skills, and foster new connections.
Meetup | Health journalism ‘bonfires’
Gather around the “bonfire” to critique award-winning examples of health journalism—and learn how to improve your own storytelling along the way.