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Community Safety Evaluation Lab (CSE-Lab)

The Community Safety Evaluation Lab (CSE-Lab) studies the nature, causes, and consequences of violence and its impact on public health. We address these issues through a multidisciplinary approach, focusing on youth violence and violent extremism to improve community safety.


677 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115

A Development Evaluation Approach to Address Community Safety and Health Challenges of Reintegration Programs in the USA

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Pardee School at Boston University have been awarded a grant from the National Institute of Justice to study the design and implementation of reintegration programs through the use of a developmental evaluation approach. The goals of this study will be accomplished through four tasks:

  1. Conduct a national level analysis of stakeholders and establish a stakeholders engagement strategy for the design and evaluation of reintegration programs
  2. Conduct a systematic review of existing reintegration programs (including gang and general-offender reintegration programs) to generate a list of essential services to allow researchers to identify resources and activities commonly employed in such programs
  3. Reach consensus on essential services of reintegration programs specific to terrorism-related cases
  4. Conduct an evaluability assessment and a preliminary outcome evaluation of the newly designed reintegration programs on the health and behaviors of a group of released prisoners.