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Community Safety Evaluation Lab (CSE-Lab)

The Community Safety Evaluation Lab (CSE-Lab) studies the nature, causes, and consequences of violence and its impact on public health. We address these issues through a multidisciplinary approach, focusing on youth violence and violent extremism to improve community safety.


677 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115

Evaluation of the Peer to Peer (P2P) Initiatives

In 2016, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health was awarded a project sponsored by National Institute of Justice to evaluate the impact of the P2P initiative. The P2P initiative consists of programs aimed at engaging college students in the development of social media campaigns and educational efforts to raise awareness about violent extremism and promote acceptance and tolerance of others. The Harvard Chan team is currently gathering data on the effectiveness of such initiatives by the use of longitudinal studies and a randomized controlled trial. Data collection has been completed in Utah on the impact of the Kombat for Kindness Initiative. The Initiative was implemented in middle schools to improve children’s acceptance of racial-ethnic groups different from their own. The study consisted in a longitudinal study with a pre-post intervention evaluation design. Data collection is in progress in Massachusetts to evaluate the impact of the Operation 250 (OP250) Initiative. This initiative aims at improving high school kids’ online behaviors. The study consisted of a randomized trial with pre-post intervention assessment.

For more information on the Peer to Peer Initiative click here: