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Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics

The Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics works to improve methods for infectious disease modeling and statistical analysis, quantify disease and intervention impact, engage with policymakers to enhance decision-making, and train the next generation of scientists.


677 Huntington Avenue
Kresge Building, Suite 506
Boston, MA 02115

Introduction to Infectious Disease Modeling

These videos were created as part of a 1.25 credit course available at Harvard TH Chan School each academic year.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the enormous surge of interest in infectious disease modeling worldwide, we are making these videos available for free here. While we can’t offer personal assignments or teaching support, we hope that they will be useful to researchers and others interested in the basics of infectious disease epidemiology and mathematical modeling. Lectures were recorded in the fall of 2018 and spring of 2019.

If videos do not load within the page, please click the links to view them in Panopto.

Course Introduction Video