Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics
The Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics works to improve methods for infectious disease modeling and statistical analysis, quantify disease and intervention impact, engage with policymakers to enhance decision-making, and train the next generation of scientists.
677 Huntington Avenue
Kresge Building, Suite 506
Boston, MA 02115
Mathematical Modeling Journal Club
The Mathematical Modeling Journal Club, hosted by the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics (CCDD) at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, guided participants through a review of articles in order to learn more about mathematical modeling approaches, understand how authors reached their conclusions, and determine the study’s relevance in informing practice and research. The journal club assessed intermediate and advanced infectious disease modeling methods to inform public health responses. Feedback from the journal club participants was used to gauge interest in mathematical modeling methods to be prioritized in intermediate and advanced training programs. The Mathematical Modeling Journal Club was funded (in part) by contract 200-2016-91779 with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Target Participants
This journal club was intended for public health professionals and researchers interested in using mathematical modeling to inform public policy. Participants included postdocs and faculty from CCDD, as well as other universities and public health departments from the US and globally. Members of the journal club participated by regular club attendance, reviewing articles in advance, contributing to group discussion, and providing feedback.
The Mathematical Modeling Journal Club met during Winter 2023 – Spring 2024 and is not currently active. Below is a link to recordings where available.