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Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control Equity

The Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control Equity (ISCCCE) is one of seven such centers funded by the National Cancer Institute Moonshot Initiative. ISCCCE aims to develop sustainable strategies for ensuring that all patients have access to evidence-based cancer prevention and control.

Improving Cancer Screening Completion and Follow-Up in Community Health Centers (Tools to Close Screening Gaps)

Project Summary

This study seeks to understand community health centers’ (CHCs) use of resources related to breast and colorectal cancer screening navigation. It also aims to develop and implement population health management tools that will build critical infrastructure that allows CHCs to effectively and efficiently manage cancer screening-related population health in the post-pandemic era. First, we will conduct an online survey of CHCs who currently use Azara’s Data Reporting and Visualization System (DRVS), to assess their use of navigators and/or other CHC staff to promote screening and follow-up after an abnormal screening result. Using a pre-/post-test design, we will then assess the impact of a low-intensity intervention on timely cancer screening and follow-up in four CHCs who completed the survey (CHCs with and without navigators). The intervention will include implementing two new electronic modules (with breast and colorectal cancer screening follow-up functions) into DRVS as well as practice support and facilitation. After implementation of the intervention, we will qualitatively assess CHC staff’s experience with and patients’ experiences as a result of the new tools. We will also assess clinical, cost, and implementation outcomes.

Project Lead: Lynn Ibekwe