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Office of Faculty Affairs

Resource page for faculty, non-faculty academic appointments, staff, and visitors, highlighting the core competencies of Harvard Chan School’s Office of Faculty Affairs.

Phone 617-432-1047

90 Smith Street, 1st Floor
Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120

Benefits and resources

Research scientists generally are full-time paid employees of the university, and are benefits-eligible.

Research scientists newly employed by Harvard must sign up for benefits within the first thirty (30) days of employment. The Benefits Office in Cambridge will send information regarding benefit plans to the research scientist’s home address. It is the responsibility of the research scientist to ensure that he/she is enrolled in any benefit plans before the 30-day enrollment period ends. Specific questions should be addressed to the university Benefits Office (617-496-4001).

As a term appointee, research scientists are appointed for a specific period of time with the understanding that vacation time will be taken during the term of the appointment. Research scientists will not be compensated for any unused vacation time, personal days, or sick days remaining at the time their appointment ends.

Paid time off

Research scientists are entitled to one month’s vacation (20 working days) each appointment year (July 1 – June 30.) Vacation time can only be carried forward into a subsequent year, up to a maximum of forty (40) days, if approved by the research scientist’s department administrator.

All vacation time must be used before the research scientist’s termination date as any unused time will not be paid following the termination of an appointment.

Sick days are accrued at the rate of one (1) day per month, and can be carried forward to subsequent appointment terms up to a maximum of 130 days.

Research scientists are eligible for three (3) days of personal time each appointment year (July 1 – June 30). Personal time cannot be carried over to the following year.

If an appointment is less than full-time, vacation time, personal time, and sick time are prorated.

Additional information on benefits

More specific benefits information is available to Harvard employees at Harvie.