HICRC Viewpoint on Reducing Suicide by Working with Gun Owner Groups
An article published ahead of press in the journal JAMA-Internal Medicine entitled “Reducing Suicides Through Partnerships Between Health Professionals and Gun Owner Groups–Beyond Docs vs Glocks” describes the work HICRC has done over the past decade in finding common ground with gun owners to reduce firearm suicide. Gun owner groups are seen as part of the solution rather than part of the problem of suicide in America. Suicide is a gun owner’s issue–gun owning families are at higher risk for suicide. Partnerships among gun shop owners, firearm instructors, gun rights stakeholders and health professionals help to change social norms about guns and suicide, and can save lives. The article, which recently appeared online, was written by Cathy Barber and Elaine Frank, along with gunshop owner Ralph Demicco, all members of the New Hampshire Firearm Safety Coalition.