Dr. Barry Bloom Emeritus Faculty Award Nomination

Dr. Barry Bloom, 2023 Faculty Emeritus Award Graphic
Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Barry Bloom on his Emeritus Faculty Award Nomination.
Barry Bloom just can’t stay away from contributing to education and public health—he retired in January 2017, only to come back out of retirement and serve for five more engaging years.
Barry edited a “Public Health 101” series for the New England Journal of Medicine on various topics, involving various #authors, whom he was involved in selecting and working with.
Most recently, in July 2022, he published an article in Science Immunology (@ScienceMagazine) on lipid metabolism in macrophage subsets alongside many fellow authors and his longtime associate Dr. Robert Modlin from UCLA.
For the past ten years, Barry remained in the position of co-chair of the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Initiative, a partnership between NIH, the African Society of Human Genetics, and the Wellcome Trust.
H3Africa’s goal was to fight health inequity in Africa with widespread laboratories applying the latest research on the relationship between environmental and genetic components that inform #disease susceptibility and drug responses in African populations.
What people say about Barry Bloom
“He is incredibly generous with his wisdom, experience, and advice, drawing on his extraordinary career to illustrate and model what a successful career in public health and science can be.”
“He engages seriously and with much delight when we chat about science, or really about anything—and he’s always inquisitive and attentive, asking great questions and putting the work in context—and then he goes off, reads the papers, and comes back with ideas and more questions.”
Yonatan Grad, Associate Professor, IID
“When I arrived at Harvard, Barry quickly became more than a distant pillar of the field, he actively supported my research; engaging me in thought provoking conversations, sharing relevant literature that inspired my approaches, and enthusiastically celebrating my progress and career development.”
Patricia Grace, Yerby Fellow, IID,
“In the short period of time I have known Barry, I have been deeply impacted by his generosity and brilliance.”
Jake Rosenberg, Postdoctoral fellow, IID