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Upcoming Events

Chester Pierce Symposium: Well-being in the Face of Adversity

Joseph Martin Conference Center 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA, United States

Overview On Tuesday, November 12th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, join us at the Joseph Martin Conference Center Rotunda or online for the first annual Chester Pierce Symposium! Dr. Chester Pierce left a lasting impact on the fields of psychiatry and social justice and is remembered as a pioneering advocate for mental health and...

Ukraine CBRNe Preparedness for Healthcare and Public Health in Conflict Settings

Join the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative for a panel discussion with health, public health and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNe) experts. Participating panelists are Harvard faculty and researchers who work with populations in conflict and humanitarian settings and are currently engaged with the Ukrainian CBRNe response. This webinar will focus on the impact of...

November Research Updates Seminar

room FXB 301

Kirstin Oliveira Roster, PhD (Grad Lab) TALK TITLE: "Modeling the spread of drug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoea" Jillian Paull, PhD Candidate (Sabeti Lab) TALK TITLE: "Developing and bench-marking an unbiased metagenomic approach to identify and assemble respiratory viruses" THESE SPEAKERS WILL BE IN PERSON IN FXB 301. The event will be hybrid and we will have lunch...

Reconciling conflicting results from target trials assessing the long-term effects of bariatric surgery

Kresge 502

Department of Epidemiology Seminar Series Speaker: Sebastian Haneuse, PhD Professor of Biostatistics; Director of Graduate Studies Program Department of Biostatistics at Harvard Chan School of Public Health Abstract: A large body of observational evidence exists to suggest that bariatric surgery is associated with reduction in risk for a wide range of outcomes, including cardiovascular disease...

Heat and The Health of Mothers and Children: Impacts and Resilience in Action


Come learn from public health scientists who will tells us how high temperatures produced by climate change are affecting pregnant people and young children, and from on-the-ground practitioners how policies and programs at the local level can put the concept of ‘heat resilience’ in action. Featured speakers: Researchers: – Kari Nadeau, John Rock Professor of...

Promoting Children and Youth Well-being in Mississippi: Opportunities and Challenges

Kresge Building

Join us for a conversation with Dr. Linda Southward as she shares about the importance of intersectoral partnerships in enacting change in Mississippi. Speaker: Linda Southward, PhD, Executive Director, Children’s Foundation of Mississippi Be sure to register using the link below if you plan to attend the event. Link to Register